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Q: When you go into the air force do they pay for your college?
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Can you join the air force and have them pay for college and serve after college?

go in to college and let them pay for the college

Will the air force pay for your college?

Yes. They not only will pay for 100% of it they will pay you to go to college as long as you pass and meet satisfactory requirements depending on your branch of service and career field.

If i join the Air Force before going to college will the Air Force supply me with a scholarship and if so how much and do i get to choose wich college?

Well the air force has many college options. You could go to the air force academy for free if you are selected but then you would have to be an officer for at least 6 years afterwards. another way is Air Force ROTC are located all over the U.S. including the university of Illinois. ROTC can get you a huge scholarship and sometimes can pay full tuition. With your dreams of becoming a pastor, Air Force Chaplaincy is the way to go! The air force can pay for a lot of the tuition if not all of it.

How long do you need to go to college to be in the air force?

4 years

Do you have to have a college diploma to enter the Air Force?

Yes. You must be a officer to fly and that means you can join during collage or after? No. You do not have to attend college at the Air Force Academy to be an Air Force Pilot.

Can you go to any college after the air force?

If you can meet the qualifications for the school after you get out of the Air Force you can go to it. Some schools have programs for Veterans and their families but you still have to meet their standards.

Easiest way to become an air force officer?

Go to a college with AFROTC (Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps or graduate college and go to OCS (Officer Candidacy School), either way you get your commision.

What school did johnmccain go to when he went to college?

United states air force academey i do belive

Should I go on active duty first and then go to college or go reserves and go to college while in the air force?

That's a decision you need to weigh carefully and decide for yourself.

What college should you go to be a pilot in the US?

Your Air Force or Navy recruiter would LOVE to advise you on this matter.

Where Dave pelzer go to college?

He did not go to College. He dropped out of High School and later got his GED later in order to join the Air Force. (Can be found in his book "A Man Named Dave.")

Do you have to pay for a 21year old daughter to go to college?

You don't have to pay for anyone to go to college. However someone has to pay, nothing is free.