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Other planets have more or less gravity than Earth, so the energy needed to move things around is also more or less.

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Q: When you go on different planets it takes more energy to move something than it is on Earth Is it more gravity or less gravity?
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When gravity is pulling on something does the something have kinetic energy?

The object can be stationary and have gravity pulling on it ergo no kinetic energy

Is gravity a mechanical energy?

Gravity is not energy. It's just something that causes forces.

In what way do planets look different from stars?

Firstly, planets are way way smaller than the stars! That's because you can see stars in the night but never planets. Also stars produce nuclear energy in their core so they give thermal ( heat ) energy. Also stars have more gravity than planets.

How is gravitational potential energy different from potential energy?

It is different because gravitational potential energy is when something is getting pulled by gravity and potential energy is stored energy which means that it is not moving and the energy is not getting released as gravitational energy is.

What effects does gravity have on planets orbit?

Gravity, together with the planet's total kinetic and potential energy, completely determines the size and shape of the orbit.

How did the planets get there order?

The balance between gravity (attraction to the Sun) and orbital energy (1/2 velocity2 times mass) gives the planets their order.

What makes the planets to move around the sun?

The planets orbit the Sun because of gravity and their angular momentum, which ultimately derives from the energy of the Big Bang.

What is one way in which the sun and planets are different?

They are different because they have different atmospheres to the Sun. The main difference is that the Sun is a star which radiates energy and the planets are cold bodies which do not produce energy.

Why do the planets all stay in orbit around the sun and not drift off into empty spaces?

Gravity and Inertia. Gravity pulls the planets toward the sun, but inertia pulls it away. They keep it evenly balanced. angular velocity is balanced (mostly) by gravity. Answer2: The planets stay in orbit because the centripetal force of gravity vp/r is balanced by the centrifugal force cp/r cos(P). the centrifugal force is the divergence of the "Dark Energy" cmV =cP. The real gravity energy is w = -mGM/r + cmV = -vp + cP where -vp is the potential scalar energy and cP is the vector energy, the so-called "Dark Energy". The vector energy is the force balancing the gravitational centripetal force. vp/r = cp/r cos(P) thus v/c = cos(P). This is the red shift and explains what the red shift is. The Dark Energy is the vector energy associated with the Momentum mV. Dark Energy creates the orbit from : 0 = cdP/dr + muR/r3..

How would plants develop zero gravity environment?

There isn't a zero gravity environment, but if there was, planets wouldn't form. Planets form by very large rock all attracting to each other and gain enough energy that the center pulls the surrounding rock and smooths then into a sphere. So if a zero gravity environment existed. There would be no planets.

What the value for gravity on a potential energy?

Normally you can use a value of approximately 9.8 meters/second2. Please note that that applies to planet Earth, close to the surface; at a great distance from Earth, or near the surface of other planets, the value for gravity is quite different.

What would happen if we didn't have gravity?

Without gravity, none of the stars or planets would maintain their forms. Gravity allows the Sun to maintain its energy generation while remaining as a single mass. Gravity allows the Earth to hold its atmosphere. Indeed, gravity is the force that forms stars and planets, although the trigger that begins the process is still unclear.