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No. This is just an artery in your neck that you can feel your pulse in.

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Q: When you have a heartbeat in your throat mean you pregnant?
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Is the saying 'if you feel a heartbeat in your throat you are pregnant' true?

Of course not. Rather than relying on sayings you should get tested if you suspect you could be pregnant.

What does it mean when you feel two heartbeats in your throat?

It's your own pulse/heartbeats. if you think it's the fetus' it is not. You can never feel the heartbeat of the baby.

Will an ultrasound show heartbeat if you are 6 weeks pregnant?

You could see a heartbeat if they do a transvaginal ultrasound.

Does a baby share the same heartbeat with its mother?

no. they have their own heartbeat. if you are pregnant and go to the doctor they can put a fetal monitor on you and you will be able to hear the babys heartbeat.

If the heartbeat in your chest and the heartbeat in your stomach doesn't match are you pregnant?

Yes, definitely! That is a sure-fire pregnancy test!

Do you have a sore throat when you are pregnant?

not usually

If i have a sore throat after sex are you pregnant?


Is it normal to hear a heartbeat in your stomach when you aren't pregnant?

Yes it is your own.

How many heartbeat of a pregnant in one minute?

Depends on what species the question is about.

If you are three weeks pregnant with twins but the doctor saw only one heartbeat on the ultrasound and your hcg was 3045 will the other baby develop a heartbeat eventually?

Three weeks pregnant is a week before you miss a period so it is impossible to know it is twins. If you are three weeks after conception, (5 weeks pregnant)it is still early to see a heartbeat.

Does it mean you are pregnant when a heartbeat is under your breast?

well it really depends if its 1. ur heart. but if i were u i would take a pengnecy test just in case

What does it mean if you are unsure but think your 9 weeks pregnant have started spotting blood and ultrasound measures 7 weeks with no heartbeat but the sac was present?

Then you are going to have a miscairrage.