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Not necessary you could have a vaginal desease or infection. The only way to find out is to check for pregnancy symptoms or get a pregnancy test.

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Q: When you have vaginal pains does it mean your pregnant?
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Sharp vaginal pains at 8 months pregnant?

You need to call your doctor.

Can you have heavy vaginal bleeding and lower abdorimal pains and be pregnant?

Yes. It may mean that you are in the process of losing the fetus and it could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. You should call your doctor.

Why are you having sharp pains in your vagina at 36 weeks pregnant?

If you are at 36 weeks pregnant and having sharp vaginal pains, it could be caused by the cervix dilating. This can happen days or weeks prior to actual delivery.

Can you get pregnant right after vaginal infertility?

If you are infertile you can not get pregnant and I'm not sure what you mean by vaginal infertility. When you have your period you can get pregnant too although it is rare.

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Hunger pains? No, nothing you mentioned points toward being pregnant.

What does it mean if you had a short period and you now have stomach pains?

You are not pregnant. The pains could be caused by something you ate, etc.

What does it mean when you have really bad pains in your stomach when you are 4 months pregnant also the pains make you cry?

Go to a doctor.

Does stomach pains mean a girl is pregnant?

No, but it might mean that she has a stomach virus, or she is starting her period.

Does it mean that you are pregnant if you have pinching pains in your vagina 8 DPO?

Not a normal sign of pregnancy.

What are the symptoms for having your period?

sometimes you may experience breast sorness, vaginal pains, stomach pains, lower back pains and few others.

Should you be concerned if you are 10 weeks pregnant and you are having lower right side pains under your old c-section and you had this pain before you became pregnant?

I would give your Doctor a call to be on the safe side. I wouldn't be especially concerned unless your experience severe abdominal pains or vaginal bleeding. But do contact your Doctor.

Can you get vaginal discharge and get pregrant?

Having vaginal discharge does not prevent you from getting pregnant. It will not expel the sperm. It is not a way to determine whether or not you are pregnant. You can have discharge at any time, pregnant or not.