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investigate, nothing, get scared, wake mate, call police, get weapon

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Q: When you hear a strange noise in the house at night exactly what do you do about it?
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When does Judge Taylor hear a strange noise?

Judge Taylor hears a strange noise during the night when someone is trying to break into his house. He later learns that it was Heck Tate, the sheriff, who was breaking in to warn him about potential danger during the Tom Robinson trial.

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We need to know what kind of a noise it is in order to tell you if it is a strange noise...

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Scout hears a strange noise coming from the Radley house, which she describes as sounding like someone laughing. This noise is mysterious and contributes to the eerie atmosphere surrounding the Radley family in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

What is that noise on my house roof chirping at night?

The chirping noise on your roof at night could be from birds or small animals like squirrels or raccoons. It's possible they are nesting or looking for food. Consider installing motion-activated lights or sprinklers to deter them from the area.

What is a sentence using strange?

The strange noise coming from the attic was enough to make me hesitate going up there.

Should you put pets in the room when hosting a party?

Not a good idea, it may upset your pets with all the noise and strange people, this will stress them out! Keep them in a separate part of the house.

My cat has been dribbling a lot lately and he recently made a strange burp like noise his behaviour is also very strange is this normal?

No, it isn't normal for your cat to be drooling a lot lately and making a strange burp like noise. He may have eaten something that isn't agreeing with him and causing the strange behavior.

Why are there sometimes strange noises in video games?

Try checking to see that nothing is covering your speakers because it is usually that when something is covering your speakers it creates a strange noise the noise usually goes repeatedly.

What is a bird that is 5 feet tall and makes a strange noise?

Whooping crane

What is a good fourth grade sentence for resounded?

A strange noise resounded from the basement

Jeep Liberty strange beeping noise?

There are many reasons why the Jeep Liberty will make a strange beeping noise. It could be beeping if the turn signals have been left on or if the emergency brake isn't all the way down.