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Q: When you hit a mud pot with your hands which part of the mudpot vibrates?
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Which part of a drum vibrates?

The skin vibrates when you hit them.

Which part of the drum vibrates?

The "electronic" of the keyboard which is hit by the keys touching it.

Which part of the vibrates when soundwaves hit it?

The membrane that vibrates and transmits the vibrations is called the tympanic membrane or the eardrum. It is the divider between the external and middle chambers of the ear.

An idiophone is a solid instrument that vibrates when it is?

An idiophone vibrates when it is scraped, hit, or struck.

What part of the piano vibrates to make sound?

Inside the piano, there is a set of strings and mallets. When you hit a key, the mallet goes upward and hits the associated string to cause a vibration. So basically, the string is the part of the piano that vibrates to make sound.

What part do both the timpani and the snare drum have in common?

They both have stretched membrane or a drumhead which is hit and the one that vibrates to produce that sound of the drum.

Does a triangle the instrument vibrate?

yeah it does vibrates when you hit it

9 and 10 year old batter gets hit on the hands while swinging what the call?

If you are hit on the hands its considered part of the bat, so it is just a normal swing.

What part of the ear vibrates when sound waves strike it?

The sound waves come through the auditory canal and hit the eardrum (or tympanic membrane). The eardrum is connected to the 3 ossicles of the middle ear: the hammer, anvil and stirrup (or malleus, incus and stapes). The eardrum vibrates the hammer, the hammer vibrates the anvil, the anvil vibrates the stirrup and the stirrup vibrates the cochlea in the inner ear which has hair-like nerve endings called cilia that move when the cochlea vibrates. The auditory nerve sends the vibrations to the brain to be interpreted. That's how we hear! :)

What parts does a drum have?

well I'm pretty sure when you hit the skin (top part) of the drum, it vibrates through the cavity in the base of the drum making a sound

What is the tight layer of skin that vibrates when sound waves hit?

the tympanic membrane or ear drum

What are a bears strengths?

bears are so strong that when they hit the ground, it vibrates the ground 3 feet away.