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Take an ordinary hammer or screwdriver and s-l-o-w-l-y lower it down to the piece of metal. One of the pieces will actually "leap up" to the tool. That's the magnetic one.

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Q: When you keep two iron pieces on table how can you identify that which one is a magnet?
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How do you separate iron filings from iron carbonate?

Pure iron filings will be attracted to a magnet; but pieces of iron carbonate will not.

What is a material called that will attract small pieces of iron?

A magnet.

What experiment can you use to separate iron filings from small pieces of lead?

Use a magnet. The iron will be attracted to the magnet but the lead won't.

When you break an iron magnet into two pieces you get what?

Two smaller magnets.

What does a magnet have for iron?

Yes, iron does have magnetic properties as well as the other two elements in the Iron Triad, Cobalt and Nickel.

You are given a small plotting compass and three grey metal bars one is aluminum one is iron one is magnet how can i identify each one?

The bar that affects the compass is the magnet, The bar that is attracted to the magnet is iron, and the bar that is not attracted to the magnet is aluminum.

Two identical iron pieces givenone is magnet how you recognize magnet nothing with you other than 2 pieces?

If you hold the end of one (A) to the center of the other (B), one of two things will happen. Either A will attract B, in which case A is the magnet, or it won't, which makes B the magnet. The secret lies in the fact that a magnet is just as attracted to the center of an iron piece, but a piece of unmagnetized iron will have no attraction to the center of a magnet-- they are magnetic off the ends, and the center is neutral.

How can you show that iron pieces are attracted by a magnet?

we can show it by experimenting. for eg. iron (which prevents self demagnetisation) also attracts magnets

What made you sure that the tiny pieces were still made of iron?

The easiest test is to see if they are attracted to a magnet.

Why aren't all iron materials permanent magnets?

When a magnet or iron piece is watched under a powerful microscope we will obseve that a magnet or iron is made up tiny tiny pieces which cannot be further divided realistically such small pieces are known as domains. In a magnet all domains are in the same direction due to which it attracts iron. While in a iron these domains are arranged randomly which nullify its magnetism. When a magnet is brousht near an iron matrial all the domains get attracted to the magnet due to which domains in iron get arranged in a particular direction due to wich at that time they act as magnets but as soon as the magnet gets farther the domains again arrange them selves randomly due to which tey do not remain permanent magnets

Why does the magnet attract the iron?

the magnet attracts to iron by the magnetic field both the iron and the magnet have

Why does the magnet attract iron objects?

the magnet attracts to iron by the magnetic field both the iron and the magnet have