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They dissolve. The sugar molecules are still there, they just cease to form sugar crystals, when they mix with water. You don't see them, but you can still taste them. Yummm!

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9y ago

Because the process is reversible, the sugar molecule was not destroyed.
But after my opinion the process of solubility involve also some chemical questions.

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Q: When you mix sugar in water the sugar crystals disappear why is this a physical change?
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Would sugar crystals be physical science?

Sugar crystals are physical objects.

Is mixing sugar and water physical or chemical change?

Physical. The water breaks up the crystals of sugar into individual molecules, but you still have sugar and water. The sugar is just in smaller clumps.

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Is making sugar crystals chemistry?

no, sugar crystals are earth science. Chemistry is physical science.

Is sugar dissolves in hot water a chemical change or physical change?

The common sugar is Sucrose when it becomes soluble in water it is converted into Glucose and fructose on evaporating you can not get back the crystals of sucrose so it is a chemical change.

Is dissolving of salt physical change or a chemical change?

it is a physical change,as dissolving just reduces the size of sugar or salt crystals and it does not change the property of it,for a chemical change ,change of composition is ncessary

Is mixing sugar and water a physical change?

Yes, it is a physical change. The sugar seems to "disappear" in the water, but if you taste the water you will also taste the sugar. So, the basic chemical nature of both sugar and water is unchanged. That is a characteristic of a physical change.

Why is it that the sugar crystals disappear when stirred in water?

The sugar crystals have no added colour and are 'white' crystals in appearance. Once dissolved into the water, they create a transparent sugary solution. The same is for salt crystals that create a saline solution.

Sugar crystals are separated from a sugar syrup by evaporation of water is a chemical reaction or physical reaction?

a physical reacton

Is pulverizing sugar a chemical or a physical change?

It is a physical change. The sugar is still sugar after it is pulverized.

Is mixing sugar and water physical or chemical?

Physical. The water breaks up the crystals of sugar into individual molecules, but you still have sugar and water. The sugar is just in smaller clumps.

Is Transparent rock candy is finely ground into an opaque white powder physical or chemical change?

Actually, it is a physical change because when sugar and water mix together, they are not forming a new substance, sugar dissolves, but it doesn't disappear. So when you crystallize it, it still has the same chemical structure, the only thing that changed is the physical appearance.