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Isn't the answer kinetic energy or something along the lines of that? I'm an eighth grader with a basic understanding of energy, and that's the first that comes to mind....

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1w ago

When you move your hand or foot, your body converts potential energy into kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, which increases as you move your limbs.

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11y ago

kinetic, and then when you foot has stopped as high as it can go it is gravitational potential energy

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Q: When you move your hand or foot your body has converted potential energy into what type of energy?
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Why does A stretched elastic or stretched string each have potential energy?

A stretched elastic or string stores potential energy due to the work done in stretching it. When stretching, energy is stored in the form of elastic potential energy in the material, which can then be converted back to kinetic energy when the material returns to its original shape.

What energy transformation in playing a game sipa?

In playing the game sipa, the energy transformation involves converting potential energy from the player's leg muscles into kinetic energy as they kick the sipa. As the player's foot makes contact with the sipa, some of the kinetic energy is transferred to the sipa, causing it to move. Frictional forces between the player's foot and the sipa also result in some energy being converted into thermal energy.

Example for when gravitational potential energy is useful?

Gravitational potential energy is useful in everyday life when considering activities like lifting objects, climbing stairs, or using elevators. This energy is transformed when an object is lifted against gravity, stored in the object in the form of potential energy, and can be converted back to kinetic energy when the object is released.

Which device is used for converting potential energy into kinetic energy?

A turbine is a device commonly used for converting potential energy (such as from falling water or steam) into kinetic energy. The turbine blades are turned by the flowing fluid, transferring the potential energy into rotational motion.

What is gravitational energy-?

Gravitational potential energy is the kinetic energy that an object could gain if it was allowed to move through the entire gravitational potential in question. For example, if you climb a tower that is 100 feet above the Earth's surface and hold a ball, the ball will have potential energy as long as it remains at that height (in other words, as long as it remains at that potential). If the ball is dropped, the potential energy begins converting into kinetic as the ball falls through the 100 foot gravitational potential. When the ball is on the surface of the Earth, it no longer has any gravitational potential energy with respect to the Earth's surface. All of the energy converted into kinetic energy. When the ball actually hit the Earth, the kinetic energy was converted into heat and the ball stopped moving. That heat warmed the surrounding atmosphere a bit. No energy is ever lost, it just converts from one form to another.

Related questions

What energy transformation accurs to a water fall?

Gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy of the fall. Some of that is then converted to heat which helps water to evaporate and to slightly increase the water temperature at the foot of the fall, some is converted to the noise of the waterfall, some is used to erode rocks at the foot of the fall.

Can You Help Me Figure Out More About Potential energy?

potential energy expresses the energy that body has according to its level to a certain reference. if you drope an apple from your hand on your foot you will get less pain than that if its dropped on same foot from 3rd floor.more pain means more energy.

Will an object have more potential energy atop a 50 foot hill or 100 foot hill?

An object will have more potential energy at the top of a 100 foot hill. Gravitational potential energy is directly proportional to height.

Why does A stretched elastic or stretched string each have potential energy?

A stretched elastic or string stores potential energy due to the work done in stretching it. When stretching, energy is stored in the form of elastic potential energy in the material, which can then be converted back to kinetic energy when the material returns to its original shape.

What is gravitational potential energy?

Gravitational potential energy is the potential energy an object has due to its position in a gravitational field. The higher an object is the greater its gravitational potential. When it falls the gravitational potential becomes kinetic energy. Energy stored in height differences ~APEX

How can the gravitational potential energy of an object be increased?

The gravitational potential energy of an object can be increased by lifting it to a higher position against the force of gravity. This increases the distance between the object and the center of the Earth, resulting in an increase in gravitational potential energy according to the formula: PE = mgh, where m is the mass of the object, g is acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height.

Which device is used for converting potential energy into kinetic energy?

A turbine is a device commonly used for converting potential energy (such as from falling water or steam) into kinetic energy. The turbine blades are turned by the flowing fluid, transferring the potential energy into rotational motion.

How does kenetic and potential energy affect soccer in general?

In soccer, you have a soccer ball. The ball has potential energy. When you kick the ball, the potential becomes kinetic energy and the ball moves. However, your foot has potential energy as well (all matter has potential energy because all matter has the potential to move). When you kick with your foot that potential energy becomes kinetic energy. When the soccer ball is on the ground it actually has no potential energy because potential energy is only associated with height. When the ball is kicked however the kinetic energy from the player is passed on to the ball. That kinetic energy makes the ball move. If the ball is kicked into the air then the kinetic energy is passed on and some of that kinetic energy transforms into potential energy and kinetic.

What does kind of energy does a skier traveling downhill have?

Half way down the slope, the skier has kinetic energy and potential energy. At the top of the slope, before he starts moving, he only has potential energy. At the bottom of the slope, he has only kinetic energy. This is an extremely simplified explanation, but it's probably the answer that your teacher is looking for. Hope that helps.

What is gravitational energy-?

Gravitational potential energy is the kinetic energy that an object could gain if it was allowed to move through the entire gravitational potential in question. For example, if you climb a tower that is 100 feet above the Earth's surface and hold a ball, the ball will have potential energy as long as it remains at that height (in other words, as long as it remains at that potential). If the ball is dropped, the potential energy begins converting into kinetic as the ball falls through the 100 foot gravitational potential. When the ball is on the surface of the Earth, it no longer has any gravitational potential energy with respect to the Earth's surface. All of the energy converted into kinetic energy. When the ball actually hit the Earth, the kinetic energy was converted into heat and the ball stopped moving. That heat warmed the surrounding atmosphere a bit. No energy is ever lost, it just converts from one form to another.

What is the unit of energy used to measure mechanical energy?

by adding the objects kinetic energy and potential energy

What measures the total energy of moving particles?

The total energy of moving particles is measured by the kinetic energy, which is dependent on the mass and speed of the particles. It is given by the equation (KE = 0.5mv^2), where (m) is the mass and (v) is the velocity of the particle.