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Q: When you move your head from side to side as in shaking your head no you are?
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What is the meaning of shaking your head?

shaking your head refers to moving one's head from side to side, usually as a way of saying 'no', though shaking one's head can also imply embarrassment or horror.

Moving the head to signify no is what?

Shaking the head in a side to side motion is the equivalent of saying "no."

What expression do you show to do Yes and no in auslan?

To sign 'YES' make a fist with your hand and move it up and down, much the same as nodding your head. To say 'NO' it is the same, make a fist with your hand and shake side-to-side, like you are shaking your head.

What does SMH stand for in slang?

Shaking My Damn Head

What component of nonmaterial culture is expressed by shaking your head side to side to mean no and up and down to mean yes?


What does smh mean in texting version?

Acronym for 'shake my head' or 'shaking my head.' Usually used when someone finds something so stupid, no words can do it justice. Sometimes it's modified to 'smfh' or 'smmfh' by those that prefer profanity in their internet acronyms.

Violent shaking of the head what is it called?

Shaking baby syndrome

How many ways can you say no without using the word no?

Other ways of saying 'No'-- forget about it -- not on your life-- not in a month of Sundays-- over my dead body-- uh-huh-- I refuse-- that won't happen-- not on your Nelly-- oh, yeah, right

What does smh mean in text slang?

SMH SMH stands for "scratching my head," as in, I don't know the answer.It can also stand for "shaking my head," such as "Wow, I can't believe you did that... or that just happened.""Shaking my head" - often used to express shame, or disappointment, e.g., "That girl really gets around, smh."

My car is over heating and shaking what could be the problem?

The most common causes of overheating and shaking in a vehicle are the head gaskets. A blown head gasket will produce overheating and shaking and may lead to a cracked head.

Is it a lie if a person shakes the head when answering postively?

* If the persons head is shaking up and down while saying yes then no, they aren't lying. If they are saying 'yes', but their head shakes side to side then they are confused regarding their answer, but it isn't always considered a lie.

What are some inter-cultural misunderstandings found in Italy?

shaking your head means yes shaking your head means yes