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Q: When you open an umbrella inside do you get bad luck?
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Is a umbrella open inside bad luck?


How much bad luck do you get for opening an umbrella inside?

no it is not bad luck

What are some superstitions?

If you walk under a ladder you get bad luck If you crack a mirror you have 7 years bad luck If you open an umbrella inside you have bad luck If you put your shoes on a table you have bad luck

Why is is bad luck to open an umbrella inside a house?

it is not bad luck it is just a legand or myth that some make up i done it before and i even got a computer for Christmas it is NOT bad luck;)

Is pulling an umbrella up inside bad luck?

only if you believe in bad luck.

Is it bad luck to wear an umbrella inside?

yes it is bad luck if u want it to b bad luck

Is it bad luck to open an umbrella indoors?

Some say it is but personally i do not think it is. Because I've done it before and i didn't get bad luck! :)

Why is it bad luck to open an umbrella indoors?

Well 2 days ago I put a umbrella up in the house and at school I broke my finger so it is bad luck I think it's just a tradition

Is it bad luck to open an umbreller inside?


Should you open your umbrella indoors?

Well, I open my umbrella in the house tons of times. They say it gives you bad luck, but I don't believe in that superstition. I open my umbrella whenever I please and I'm fine, and you should, too.

Is it really bad luck to open an umbrella inside?

This is a myth. However, it is believed to be bad luck because of the sun gods and the household guardian spirits. Originally umbrellas were used to protect from the sun and the sun would have taken offense causing bad luck. The household gods would also take offense if an umbrella was used feeling that they weren't protecting their people enough.

Is opening a umbrella bad luck?

yes it is bad luck :(