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Since their face is made of bone and has teeth in the mouth, yes.

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Q: When you punch someone in the mouth can you hurt your hand?
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Does it hurt to punch someone in the face?

Know one cares

Why do people punch hard?

because they want to hurt someone......stupid

If you punch a wall will it hurt?

Well of course it will hurt! It will hurt depending on how much force you have put on to the punch.

What should you do when a friend doesn't care that they hurt your feelings?

punch him/her. (on their mouth so they can never speak again.) but that's just my opinion

Can sturgeon bite?

Sturgeon have no teeth and would not intentionally bite a person. They have a vacuum mouth that extends and retracts from within their head. If you offer them food in your hand they may suck up your hand into their mouth but it wont hurt you, scare the c*** out of you but not hurt you.

Are hickies supposed to hurt?

No. they dont hurt all that happens is that someone or yourself sucks on your skin with their mouth tightly. it leaves a mark, but NO it doesnt hurt.

How do you punch needle?

if you mean punch a sewing needle just look at it and punch it be careful not to get hurt

When you get your mouth appliance off does it hurt?

it does not hurt but does have a lot of pressure on your mouth

Where does a punch hurt the most?

at the solar plexus for sure !

Why should boys like to hurt girls?

Umm...I'm a dude and i don't think you should hurt girl's I'll admit when messing around girls sometime they punch my arm and hurt their hand and i laugh but i don't hurt girl on purpose girls hit me i don't hit them so if you want to hit girls for some reason something is wrong and you should get help if it was something in your past or something else yo should talk to someone about that

How do you do a karate punch?

A very wide, looping punch intended to throw as much bodyweight as possible behind a punch. Can cause a KO if it connects, but this depends on your own power, the ability of the man in front of you to take a punch, your accuracy (no use if you punch the cranium), and the structural integirty of the punch - i.e. if you make a bad fist and your wrist isn't straight, you're just going to hurt yourself.

Should Stacey freeman punch walls?

no it might hurt her