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Q: When you spin a top is it revolve or rotate?
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If you spin a top that Stays in one place are you causing the top to rotate or revolve explain?

yes because it does not revolve around

The word--------------- means to spin around like a top?

rotate - to revolve round a centre or axis

What is a synonym of the word revolve?

rotate, spin

What is a synonyms revolve?

The word revolve (to go around, as in circles) can mean to turn, spin, or rotate. (*For planets, "revolve" is used to mean orbiting around a larger body, while "rotate" is used for the spin of the body itself.)

What is an antonym for swivel?

turn, spin, swing, rotate, revolve, pivot,

How fast does mars rotate or revolve?

In about 9 hours 50 minutes, Jupiter rotates once. I think that's what you meant. Astronomers use "rotate" not "revolve" for the spin of a planet.

What is a verb that starts with re and turn around like a wheel?


What is around the center of an atom?

the electrons revolve around the nucleus which is in the center of the atom, they revolve around it in 7 imaginary energy levels.

Does Jupiter rotate and revolve clockwise or counterclockwise?

Anti-clockwise viewed using the North Pole of Earth as "top"

What are some synonyms of the term 'rotate'?

There are many synonyms for the term rotate. A few synonyms for the word rotate would be swivel, spin, revolve, whirl, twist, and twirl. One can find lots of synonyms in a thesaurus.

What is the path of the planet as it rotate and revolve?

Actually,as the planet Revolve and Rotate the path is an orbit....^_^

Does Neptune rotate or revolve faster?

Rotate,because it takes 164.79 years to revolve