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It's sperm. It's a normal thing, and it is definitely not a disease.

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Q: When you squeeze the tip of your penis white milky fluid comes out what does that mean?
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Should it hurt when you squeeze the tip of your penis?

If you squeeze it gently it should not heart.

Where does secretion from the prostate gland deposited?

The fluid secreted from the prostate mixes with semen and comes out during ejaculation. The fluid helps the sperm move through the semen. The fluid from the prostate also comes out during a prostate massage or prostate milking. In both cases the fluid comes out through the urethra in the penis.

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Dont squeeze your cheeks togetger and pull it out hahahhah

What is prostate secretion?

Prostate secretion is called semen. It is a fluid with a milky appearance and helps to nourish and carry the sperm via penis (from testicles) during ejaculation. Prostatic secretion actually mixes with semen. The secretion liquefies the semen to allow it move through the penis during ejaculation.

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My penis.

Why do girls squeeze your penis for some reason at school?

R u learning about the penis in school? If so, they may be interested in it. It has happened to me before;)

What is the function of an urogenital opening?

The opening where waste and reproductive fluid is expelled.

What does it mean when milky stuff comes out of your 12 year old son's penis?

That's quite normal. It means your son has reached puberty. That white stuff is semen, which contains sperm. You shouldn't worry about it at all, even if it comes out quite often. Just tell him to let it out in private.