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There is no such thing. Sperm are sperm, they do not come in different colours or levels of translucence. The question you may have is the consistency and colour of semen, which is what is ejaculted from the penis. Clear semen may not be semen at all, but pre-seminal fluid which may contain few sperm cells. Seminal fluid is the off-whitish fluid that contains many sperm cells and is the constituent for which conception of offspring, if intercourse is successful, is achieved.

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9y ago

The difference between white and clear sperm is the time that it is released. The clear sperm comes first and is called pre-ejaculate or Cowper's fluid. It is debated on whether or not this fluid actually contains any sperm or not.

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Digital cameras do not have speeds. They are rated by picture quality or mega-pixels.

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Q: What is the difference between white and clear sperm?
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Does black boy sperm taste better then white boys?

There is no difference between sperm/semen of white boy and black boy just as there is no difference in their blood.

Why would sperm be clear with white strings in it?

Semen is the clear while sperm is the white. The semen protects the sperm as it enters the vagina

Is it normal for a 13 year olds sperm to be clear?

Yes, I had this problem too, it means that you are STARTING to produce sperm, it will be white in a few years.There is no problem regarding clear semen. It is natural when beginning puberty to produce a clear liquid until it becomes a milky-white substance once sperm is produced. The shade of it's colour can vary between man to man but makes no difference at all.

Clear sperm or white is more effective?

Semen is the collective of sperm and seminal fluids. Clear semen has very little or no sperm, hence its lack of colour. Semen that has sperm in it, will be white.

Is sperm white stuff for boys?

No, semen can be clear, cloudy, white or even yellowish and still contain viable sperm.

What age will sperm turn white?


What colour sperm is a 14 year old supposed to have?

Some 14 year olds have creamy white sperm but alot who are not fully devolped have clear sperm, this is all very normal

Some times semen is clear and sometimes its thick and creamy?

sperm is white the rest is clear its a natural lubrication

Is it normal for a 44 year old man to have clear sperm?

You mean 'Semen', not sperm. Sperm are invisible and semen is the liquid that carries sperm cells out of the man's body. Yes, clear semen is normal. So is white, cloudy semen.

What male pubertal characteristic develops last?

Facial hair or sperm. You may create semen which is clear but not sperm which is white

Is white urine related to sperm?

By white urine you mean clear urine or white because clear urine is just urine but white urine is semen and if you had a "tickling" sensation before it happened then its semen.

How do you know if a guy shoots blanks?

fertility is determined by 2 things mostly, the volume of it and the potency of it. clear sperm with no white is a good indication of no sperm. white sperm in tiny volumes with also limit the ability to work.