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i always thought you couldn't strangle yourself till you die because you cant breath and you will just want to stop

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Q: When you strangle yourself with a belt your ears get sore and eyes red is this a sign of dying?
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When can you pierce your ears?

Whenever your parents allow it and whenever you are old enough to clean them yourself, change them yourself, deal with infections, and deal with the pain of getting your ears pierced.

Is there a product to prevent hair dye from dying your skin?

I use Vaseline. I put it on my ears and shoulders and forehead before dying. and it helps prevent getting dye on your skin

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The cat ears was for Halloween in 2009, so the only way to get it is to customize someones. Sorry.

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when it jumps up on you, hold (with both hands) behind the ears and sharply turn its head to the right in a swift motion, as to crack its neck. Upon its dying breath, quietly whisper something witty into its ear.

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There is one that can cause the eyes, nose, ears and mouth to bleed with dying. The only thing that can cause this is liver failure.

Do animals have small ears?

Look at the rabbit and ask yourself the same question -.-'

Why do people pierce their ears?

because its another way to accessorize yourself and make yourself look "prettier"People get them pierced for fashion, mainly. Sometimes they do it to make a statement or because they personally like it. Some peoples' ears are pierced at birth.

How old do you have to be to get your ears pierced by yourself in MN?

You have to be at least 18 years old to get your ears pierced with out parental consent. If you are under 18, you will need your parent to go with.

If an atheist is dying can you ask forgiveness of his sins?

Only if you let him whisper into your ears on your last breath "So sorry you're going to be disappointed"

Why is it that when you hear yourself its not what other people hear?

The reason that is, is because the way that the sound travels to your inner ears.

How can one clean their own ears?

Using a Q-Tip is certainly not recommended for this. In fact, it isn't recommended that one clean their own ears at all. Have a doctor clean your ears for best results. There is also less of a chance of you hurting yourself by doing this!

What room are the rabbit ears in on 24 carrot island?

The rabbot ears are in the Preparing Room below the Processing Room in the Carrot Cake Factory. When you have freed the two drones from their mind-control ears, you need another (non-working) set to enter the Launch Room ("Drones Only" door). Go to the door and click it, and a trap door will drop you into the Preparing Room, which has a conveyor belt, smashers and squirters. Make you way up the belt, one machine at a time, until you can reach the far side. At the upper right is a pair of rabbot ears and the exit back to the processsing room. Wear the rabbot ears and you can enter the Launch Room.