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Q: When you swallow food why does the amylase stop working?
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At what temperature does fungal amylase stop working?

Two degrees.

What effects do increased temperature have on the activity of salivary amylase?

Increase the temperature too much and this protein will denature and stop working.

Why is it desirable to stop talking when you swallow?

it is disirable to stop talking when you swallow because you can choke.

What should you do with the food when refrigerator stop working?

Eat very fast!

How do you stop thinning teeth?

you swallow not spit

Why does freezing have an effect on amylase?

Freezing should have an effect on amylase. Amylase is an enzyme, which is therefore a protein, and has optimum conditions. Freezing it will severely slow it down, and I'm pretty sure will denature it, so yes it will completely reduce if not stop the effect of amylase. Freezing does not denature enzymes, heat does.

How crocodile and snakes eat their food?

Crocs don't use their teeth for chewing but rather to grip their prey and they just toss it to the back of their throats and swallow it down. If venomous, the snake will bite their prey, envenomate, kill it, swallow it down whole. If nonvenomous, they would either constrict their prey and swallow it down or just bite and wait for it to stop struggling and swallow.

What is the opitmal pH for salivary amylase?

identify two pH values at which salivary amylase activity stop?

Why does your ears stop up when you swallow?

Because your jaw is closely connected to your ears and your jaw moves when you swallow. That is also how you wiggle your ears.

Salivary glands release what secretion?

Well, there are three salivary glands - the sublingual, the submandibular, and the parotid gland. These glands release saliva, which is mixed with food while you eat. Also, these glands release amylase, an enzymes that begins the breakdown of starches in the mouth.

If one lung stops working wil the onther stop working?

the other 1 does stop working NO it does not

Will your heater stop working if the thermostat is not working?

Yes it will stop heating up...........