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If they don't believe you then try telling them in a more simple way and then if that doesn't work then tell them that you are telling the truth.

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Q: When you tell the truth to women and they don't believe you what should you tell them?
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When you tell the truth to women they dont believe me what should you tell them?

This is a very hard question to answer. There are many reasons why women would not beleive the truth, most of the time it is because of the lack of self confidence. Other times it can be trust issues. the most important thing you can do is to stay calm even if she makes you angry, try to prove that you are telling the truth without seeming too defensive. good luck!

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If she says she does not believe you then chances are she believes your lying. If she wants you to believe her and your not sure if she is telling the truth that is something you have to decide and find out for yourself. Speak with her either way to find out what it is you are asking.

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dont say anything just RUN!