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First of all due to high viscosity stream line motion is restricted. Moreover the external pressure would not allow to syrup to come out so easily.

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Squid Gunner

Lvl 2
3y ago

Syrup took long time to move down because: -

The more viscous the fluid is, the more time it takes to flow

The greater cohesion, the slower flow of fluid

The thicker the fluid is, the slower the adhesion

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Jacob Catterick

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3y ago
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Jacob Catterick

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3y ago
is this right

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Syrup took long time to move down because: -

The more viscous the fluid is, the more time it takes to flow

The greater cohesion, the slower flow of fluid

The thicker the fluid is, the slower the adhesion

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When glass stopper in a bottle is stuck it may sometimes be loosened by holding the neck of the bottle under a hot water faucet explain the physical principle responsible for this observed phenomenon?

Heating the neck of the bottle with hot water causes the glass to expand, while the glass stopper remains cool and contracts. This temperature difference creates a slight gap between the stopper and the bottle, making it easier to loosen the stopper.

Why does a plastic bottle full of steam get pressed in if placed in a refrigerator?

When the hot air inside the bottle cools down in the refrigerator, it reduces in volume. This contraction creates a lower pressure inside the bottle compared to the higher atmospheric pressure outside. As a result, the atmospheric pressure pushes the sides of the bottle inwards, causing it to collapse.

How do you put a bottle cap into a bottle?

To put a bottle cap into a bottle, simply place the cap on top of the bottle opening and press firmly until it snaps into place. The cap should securely close the bottle to prevent any liquid from spilling out.

What is Bottle rocket?

A bottle rocket is a type of firework that is propelled into the air by a combination of water and air pressure. It typically involves filling a plastic bottle with water and attaching a paper tube filled with gunpowder that is ignited, causing the bottle to shoot into the sky.

Which force stops a bottle from sinking?

The force of buoyancy, which is exerted by the water on the bottle and is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the bottle, prevents the bottle from sinking. This force acts in the opposite direction to the weight of the bottle, keeping it afloat.

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When you tip a syrup bottle upside down, It takes a long time for all the syrup to move down.Explain this, using the idea of viscosity, cohesion,and adhesion?


What is sae 30 mean?

"Most of the time when viscosity is explained words are used that are too technical for the average person to quickly grasp. This leaves them still wondering what the viscosity numbers really mean on a bottle of motor oil. Simply put, viscosity is the oil's resistance to flow or, for the layman, an oil's speed of flow as measured through a device known as a viscometer. The thicker (higher viscosity) of an oil, the slower it will flow. You will see oil viscosity measurement in lube articles stated in kinematic (kv) and absolute (cSt) terms. These are translated into the easier to understand SAE viscosity numbers you see on an oil bottle."

As the temperature of a fluid increases does its viscosity increase or decrease?

Assuming all other conditions stay the same as the viscosity increase this restricts flow and the flow rate will slow down. For example if you put water in a squeezable ketchup bottle it would be able to be emptied much faster than if you applied the same pressure with ketchup in the bottle.

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What is it when you attempt to hit someone else with a glass beer bottle?

due to the mass of the beer bottle, its velocity, and possible viscosity of the liquid inside, the beer bottle will smash through someones head and cut there head clear off. I sees it, is to say i saw it happen..

Where can one purchase a bottle filling machine?

When buying a bottle filling machine, one should first determine what will the bottle be filled with. Items such as liquids, dry goods such as pills and powders, will require a different type of bottle filling machine because of the viscosity of the materials. One may purchase a bottle filling machine by going to the site Kinnek and getting a quote.

When the parison is placed in the second mold it doesnt yet have the exact shape of a finished bottle is the parisons viscosity low or high?

If we assume that sufficient air pressure is being used to mold the bottle, it is probable that the temperature of the material being used is too low, and this would mean that the viscosity is too low to insure the material being blown takes the proper shape of the mold.

Average speed of tomato sauce leaving a bottle?

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Failing to shake a medicine before use can lead to inconsistent dosage, resulting in incomplete treatment or overdose. The active ingredients may not be evenly distributed, affecting the medicine's effectiveness. It could also increase the risk of side effects or complications due to improper dosing.

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What is fluid friction please give an exemple?

Fluid Friction is best visualized by VISCOSITY, which is a measure of Flow resistance, or thickness of a Fluid. The thicker a Fluid is the harder it is to move an object through it.Think of the difference between Water and Honey. Turn a bottle of Honey upside down and the air bubble slowly flows through it from down to up. Do the same thing with a bottle of Water and the bubble ZIPS to the top.Honey has more Fluid Friction (Viscosity) than Water.