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examine the story in the context of the time period in which it was written, considering the social, cultural, and political elements that influenced the author. By understanding these historical factors, you can gain insights into the themes, characters, and messages of the story.

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What tools do a scientific historian use?

A scientific historian may use tools such as archival materials, primary sources, historical databases, statistical analysis software, and digital tools for data visualization to research and analyze historical scientific developments. Specialized tools may also be used depending on the specific field of study within the history of science.

What two main types of sources does a historian use?

A historian uses primary sources, which are firsthand accounts or original documents from the time under study, to gain a direct understanding of historical events. They also use secondary sources, such as books or articles written by other scholars, which interpret and analyze primary sources to provide context and a broader understanding of the historical period.

What does you do historians use to synthesize evidence and draw conclusions?

Historians use various sources of evidence such as primary documents, secondary sources, artifacts, and personal accounts to synthesize information. They analyze these sources critically to develop historical interpretations and draw conclusions about the past. By comparing and contrasting different sources, historians construct a coherent narrative to present a comprehensive understanding of historical events.

What do archeaologist use to study?

Archaeologists use a variety of tools and techniques to study artifacts, such as excavation tools, mapping equipment, digital imaging technology, and chemical analysis. They also utilize historical records, radiocarbon dating, and other scientific methods to analyze and interpret the findings from their excavations.

What do historians have to do with the evidence they find?

Historians use the evidence they find to analyze and interpret the past, draw conclusions, and form historical narratives. They evaluate the reliability and significance of the evidence to construct well-grounded arguments about historical events and trends. Critical thinking and interpretation are essential skills historians utilize to make sense of the past based on the information available.

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when appropriate to use the exposotory approach

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How do you write a short fictional historic story?

First, you get all your historical facts straight! Use the internet or library to look up what would have happened in your historical period -- what did people wear, how did they live, what did they do for entertainment -- even how did they talk! There are a lot of words we use today that wouldn't have been used in the past. Then, just sit down and write your story, remembering the historical information you have learned. Here are some links to help with that part.

What of math do scientist use to analyze data?

They use graphs or scientific maths to analyze data. (pie graph, chart, table,circle) But in the end. they all use statistics.