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No, the sun appears to go down due to the Earth's rotation. As Earth rotates, the sun becomes hidden by the horizon, creating the illusion of the sun setting.

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Q: When you watch a sunset is the sun really going down?
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The sunset looks like it's falling below the horizon because the earth revolves and rotates around our sun. So think of it like this, you're looking at a sunset then you see it going down. That's because the earth is rotating to make the appearance of the sun go down when really we're rotating away from the sun.

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Well a sunset is the sun going down, so when the sunset is gone, as soon as it is gone there is no more sun shining where you live. So as soon as the sunset is over it is dark.

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In one the sun is coming up in the sky and the other it is going down.

When was Down on Sunset created?

Down on Sunset was created in 1991.

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Movies? What Do You Mean? Do you mean DVDs? They lay down until you watch them?

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Is there a video with A-rab going down on another guy?

I have no idea why you would watch this, but here you go...

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i don't really know myself, mate. But i do know to watch out for wild monkeys!

Where can you watch down for life with paying?

only way is to rent or buy.. really hard to get and no one uploads it