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Q: When you work out the muscle goes next to your shoulder but not actually on it what should you do?
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What is the shoulder muscle?

which one? there are more than ten muscles that the shoulder uses. assuming you're talking about the big one that contracts when you raise your arm to the side, that's your deltoid. the muscle that is important in shoulder adduction

What is edema in the subacromial subdeltoid bursa?

a pain in my shoulder that never goes away  

What happens to the muscle as the arm moves down?

One group of muscles contracts, and the other group extends. As an arm moves down, the bicep muscle (the one that faces the front side of the body and goes from the shoulder to the elbow) relaxes. When the muscle relaxes, it goes from being contracted to elongated. This relaxation happens at the same time that the tricep muscle (the one that faces the backside of the body and goes from the shoulder to the elbow) contracts. This happens because the human body's skeletal muscles have what can be considered compliments. I say this to mean that when a muscle relaxes, there is a muscle that contracts simultaneously. Therefore, they move antagonistically to each other. This is to serve the purpose of creating specific movements that help assist in locomotion. On the molecular level of what happens when a muscle contracts and relaxes, the actin and myosin filaments in muscle fiber overlap to contract and separate to relax.

What does myocardial ischemia mean?

The heart muscle is not getting enough blood. The blood supply is actually so important that the flow from the large aorta has an artery that goes to the muscle's surface before it goes to the rest of the body. If this can not be 'fixed' in someway, the heart muscle die from lack of enough oxygen.

What nicknames does Kali Muscle go by?

Kali Muscle goes by Muscle.

How come your back hurts from playing Rock Band so much?

Hi there you have probabley stretched a muscle by standing in a weird stance your body is not use to . You could have also hurt your back from strumming and actually playing. It shouldn't hurt after this pain goes away as your muscle should now be more equipped to not strain.

What is a hemerus bone?

the one that goes from shoulder to elbow

What shoulder does your Boy Scout sash go over?

It goes over the right shoulder with the point at your left hip.

What is the muscle that goes to your bicep?


What burns first fat or muscle?

When fasting fat goes first then muscle.

Where does the drill team and color guard go on the army ROTC uniform?

The drill team red cord goes on the left shoulder, and the color guard white cord goes on the right shoulder.

Where does a dog microchip go?

A dog's microchip goes between the shoulder blades. It is placed just under the dog's skin in that area.