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When your body breaks down food into nutrients, chemical digestion is taking place. In contrast, physical digestion breaks down food mechanically into smaller particles.

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Q: When your body breaks down food into nutrients what type of digestion takes place?
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Does digestion start before peristalsis takes place?

Yes, digestion starts in the mouth, before peristalsis takes place. The mouth breaks up food, and starts the chemical digestion of starches.

What do the intestiens do?

Digestion and absorption of food and nutrients takes place in the small intestine.

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Digestion and absorption of food and nutrients takes place in the small intestine.

Where does most chemical digestion take place and nutrients are absorbed into the blood?

chemical digestion takes place in the small intestine large intestine,mouth and stomach. Nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine and minerals in the large intestine.

What systems breaks food into nutrient that can be used by the body?

Digestion of large nutrients into smaller molecules takes place throughout the digestive system. Wherever there are enzymes secreted, you can be sure that the break down of substances is taking place. Specific organs where this takes place include the mouth, the stomach and the small intestine.

What is digestion and what is its significance?

Digestion is the process where your body breaks down foods and takes the good things from them.

Where Maximum digestion of food takes place in?

Depends on what you mean by that. Digestion begins with the pulverization of foods in the mouth. The Hydrochloric Acid within the stomach then further breaks apart the food. However, if you had meant the actual absorption of nutrients, then the majority of the food in which you eat is absorbed through the intestinal walls.

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Digestion first takes place in the mouth, then the stomach, and then in the small intestines.

What 2 types of digestion takes place in the mouth?

Mechanical and chemical digestion. In mechanical digestion the teeth breakdown food into smaller pieces and in chemical digestion the salivary glands breaks down the food molecules.

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digestion takes place inside lysosomes containing digestive enzymes. n_n