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i am a flyer and my backpsot taught me how to catch. instead of just placing your arms under the flyer, try to scoop your flyer underneath her armpits.

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Q: Whenever I backspot in cheerleading once we cradle and the stunt is done my arms REALLY hurt I know it's not muscle strength as its not in my muscles Am I doing something wrong?
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How do you say cheerleading is rewarding?

cheerleading is rewarding because then you will have great body strength

What are the positions in cheerleading?

Although, there are many positions in cheerleading, many are focused around a stunt. Within each stunt there are 4 positions. First, a flyer. The flyer is the individual who gets thrown up or pushed up in the air. A flyers job is to be very tight, and selfcontroling while at the same time flexible, aware of her surroundings and focused. Supporting the flyer there is a maximum of 4 people - two bases, a backspot and a front spot. The bases are the ones who are the most responsible for getting a flyer into the air aswell as her safety coming back down to the ground. Bases usually hold the flyers feet in a specific way, depending on the stunt. A bases must have upper body strength aswell as leg strength. It is very important the base's legs give most of the power in lifting the flyer. This prevents pulling back muscles. A bases aswell as the entire stunt group must keep their eyes on the flyer at all times. The backspot is responsible in assisting a flyer into a stunt aswell as security once the flyer is in the air. The flyer is usually loaded in by the backspot grabbing the flyers waist of butt depending on the stunt. When coming out of a stunt the backspot job is to support the flyers back. The front spot is the last part of a stunt. The front is usually present for ankle support for the flyer or wrist support for the bases. The front is also there for security incase of a fall When dismounting a stunt the front is responsible for the flyer's legs. There are other various positions in cheerleading such as tumblers who tumble throughout the rountine. The entire team usually participates in dancing.

How does Cheerleading affect your heart rate?

As a former cheerleader and now a wellness ctr nurse, cheerleading is an amazing cardio work out, building strength, balance and endurance.

What 3 characterists do you feel are most import for cheerleading posses?

Flexibility, strength, and balance.

Is it gay for a guy to do cheer leading?

No. Guy cheerleading requires a lot of strength and athletic skill. Some gay guys like cheerleading, but gay guys like engineerings, too, and football.

Do females say males cant do cheerleading?

NO ! we absolutely love it when guys cheer. It adds a lot more strength to the team.

You want to do cheerleading but you are currently doing track now you were wondering if that helps with cheerleading?

If you're in good shape (which you probably are from doing track) then you will most likely be successful in cheerleading. You will have to learn new skills, but the routines are usually only 2 and 1/2 minutes long so your endurance will help. Cheerleading involves strength of the entire body, so track will be a good background.

What is the property of strength?

ultimate strength is the value at which something breaks, and yield strength is the value at which something exhibits a permanent deformation after load.

What is the physical property of strength?

ultimate strength is the value at which something breaks, and yield strength is the value at which something exhibits a permanent deformation after load.

How come cheerleading?

People choose to do cheerleading, whether it be school or all-star, becasue: They want to build strength They want to promote school spirit They like to perform They like the challenge They like to tumble/stunt They like to be competitive They want to participate in a fun team sport

Why do you have enough strength to lift a girl heavier than us in cheerleading?

If the flyer is doing as it is suppose to, they should be squeezing every muscle in their body, which makes them very light.

Is gymnastics better than cheerleading?

It's all up your personal opinion. My opinion basketball is way better because cheerleading way too girly for me (I'm a tomboy, hate girly stuff...eew...) Basketball there is a lot more action and running around. You need to have good strength, power and good shots for the ball to get into the hoop. It's epic. But if you prefer cheerleading, then that's fine because it's up to you. My sister prefers cheerleading because you need to be flexible and you need to be able to fly and flip your body around in the air while you rely on other girls to try and catch you. It's like their your safety net. So if you think you can manage all of that then cheerleading is for you. But if not, basketball. YOUR OPINION OK IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK..