

where did globle warming come from?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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mycall chando

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Q: Where did globle warming come from?
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How can you damage the globle warming?

you can damage global warming by not doing polution,using gas, and stop smoking. thats the only way to stop global warming.

What are the effects of burning fossil fuels on the following atmosphere?

it makes holes in the ozone layer which in the long run makes the sun hotter. hence "globle warming"

Where does the word global warming come from?

'Global warming' is two words. It was coined by environmentalists to describe what they saw as a change in world temperatures.

Is global warming causing meteors to come down from outer space?

No. Meteors are space rocks that collide with the Earth. They have nothing at all to do with global warming.

What happens when there is Global Warming?

Mostly the greenhouse effect. Its kinda like when you leave a car outside for a long time, the sun lets in heat in the car but the windows block the heat from coming out. So the car gets really hot in the sun. A greenhouse is a room with huge windows to grow plants. It lets the sun in and traps the suns heat to grow the plants. The earth lets in the suns energy, the energy goes to the plants and us and stuff, and then when it is realeased, CO2(Carbon Dioxide) works as the window from letting it escape. Kindof as a blanket to our world. So the heat and energy is trapped-causing our world to warm. So the more CO2 we release, the more we cause globle warming. CO2 is released when we burn things like oil, coal and gas. THATS why we try not to drive as much and are protesting against power plants and are trying to save energy. Because the more of thoughs things that are used cause our world to became a dangerouse place to live in. And yes, the gas prices rising have to do a lot with globle warming, as well. Infact probly 70% of what you hear on the news will be able to relate to globle warming.

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Does globle warming destroy ozone layer?

Yes global warming destroys ozone layer. They are interrelated.

Did Michael Jackson care about globle warming?

Yes! That's What I Think..

Why did the climate change during the ice age?

i think globle warming did it

What is the future of mankind due to globle warming?

The mankind will extinct because of global warming. It is the heating of earth surface.

How can you damage the globle warming?

you can damage global warming by not doing polution,using gas, and stop smoking. thats the only way to stop global warming.

Does polluting cause acid rain?

not even close polluting causes globle warming

Why is antarctica so fragile?

it's because the ice is melting because of globle warming.

What is a possible outcome of globle warming?

Glaciers melt witch raises sea level risks for everybody.

What would happen to the world without recycling?

GLOBLE WARMING little dead polar bear and stuff like that

What human activities have led to increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

one of them is people drive cars another is globle warming