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probably from the Greece many many years ago.

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Q: Where ''science'' originated from?
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How did science originated?

Science orignated when life forms started emerging. But it depends on what you mean by science.

What does science do with human?

test them if they originated from chimps

From what word does science originated?

The word "science" comes from the Latin "scientia" which means "knowledge".

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This term cyberspace orignated where?

The term cyberspace originated in the 1980's in science fiction writing.

What is a veda?

There are 4 Vedas which teach the basic & origin of life. It is said that all the science in Hinduism also originated from the Vedas.

Where did Astronomy originated with the?

Astronomy as a natural science was originated in Europe during Renaissance epoch. But its roots go from ancient times from Mesopotamia, China, Egypt, Greece, India, and Central America, where astronomical observatories were assembled.

What is true about myths?

What is true about all origin myths is that they all are myths, they all are created to explain how something in the natural world originated when the creator of the myth did not know how something in the natural world originated, and some origin myths have been busted by modern science.

When was the CSIRO formed?

The CSIRO was originally called the CSIR, or Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, and was formed in 1926. It actually originated as the Advisory Council of Science and Industry in 1916.

Where was running originated?

Running is originated from Malaysia!!!!:)

Who originated Origami?

it was originated in Japan

What country is the can can originated?

It was originated in France.