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Q: Where Enclosure Act passed in which country?
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When were the majority of the enclosure acts passed?

Tha majority of Enclosure Acts were passed between 1750 and 1860.

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It varies from country to country. The current US act is from 1976, for example, and the current UK act is from 1988.

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In what year did the Enclosures Act take place in Great Britain?

The Inclosure (or Enclosure) Acts were a series of acts that were passed on several different occasions. The majority of these acts were passed between 1750 and 1860. The most renowned of these acts was passed in 1773.

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The stamp act. it was passed in 1765 and it was passed before the delaratory act, townshed act, quartering act, and the sugar act.

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The stamp act. it was passed in 1765 and it was passed before the delaratory act, townshed act, quartering act, and the sugar act.

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When was the BNA act passed?

The British North American Act was passed in 1867. The British North American Act was passed in 1867.

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When wa the stamped act passed?

the stamp act was passed in 1765!