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Q: Where Military planes refuel in Canada?
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Do commercial airlines refuel in mid flight?

No they do not. Only military and government planes do this. Commercial airlines will land at an airport to refuel.

Are navy planes military planes?

Yes but these military planes are flown by navy pilots or military pilots.

Are commercial planes and military planes different?

Yes they are. Military planes are used for fighting against targets with bombs and missiles.Commercial planes are used for transporting passengers from airport to airport- continent to continent. Some commercial planes can be converted into military planes for military use and vice-versa.

Yes but these military planes are flown by navy pilots or military pilots.?

Yes but these military planes are flown navy pilots or military pilots.

How do planes stay in the sky from London to Australia with out falling?

They don't fly direct, they refuel in Hong Kong or Singapore normally.

What are aircraft refuellers?

Aircraft built by the military to refuel other capable aircraft (other military craft basically) in midair.

Do military planes have keys?

In general, military planes do not have keys. They have a complex starting system that does not require them.

What is an importance of airplane?

Airplanes are very important. We use them for attack, bomber, and fighter aircraft. They also help the military see what the enemy's territory looks like using reconnaissance planes. They help locate the enemy and direct the military to it. Some are used to patrol certain areas. Others help forecast the weather. There are planes that help rescue people, called search and rescue aircraft. And there are some airplanes that even refuel other planes in mid-flight! There are also civilian planes. These planes carry passengers and cargo across the world. Others are just to fly for fun, and trust me, it is fun!

Who was the first to use military planes?

The U.S. military.

Who buys air planes from Canada?

It depends if you mean private planes or commercial or passenger planes. For passenger planes I think Air Canada would probably buy planes though I am not sure and I am sure there would be others.

Are military planes real?


Have children built military planes?
