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Holocaust, Germany in ww2

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Who was the star American athlete in the Olympics held at Germany during the holocaust?

Jesse Owens (the star American athlete) was not held in Germany and it was not during the Holocaust.

How was organization used in the holocaust?

Nothing can work without organisation, the same principle held true during the Holocaust.

How did Germans cover the Holocaust during Olympics?

There were no Olympic Games held at the time of the Holocaust. What you are probably thinking of is the Berlin Olympics, five years before the Holocaust.

Where are the Laurence Olivier awards held?

London, England.

What were model camps during the Holocaust?

They were camps that held better conditions and facilities for the benefit of the Red Cross inspectors.

How many people were held captive during the Holocaust?

about 6 million Jews out of 8 million Jews

Where there any Bar Mitzvahs held in ghettos during the Holocaust?

Yes people still held bar mitzvahs in the ghetto but they were very small and secretive so they wouldn't get caught.

What other countries held concentration camps during the holocaust?

Poland and chekaslavakia both had terrible consentration camps,and russia i think had one too

How was the envoironment in the Holocaust?

The Holocaust environment was quite polluted with smoke. Especially near the concentration caps where the Jews were held.

How many people were put in the gassed room all at once during the Holocaust?

The room with the largest capacity for gassing at one time held up to about 2500 people.

What were there more of during the holocaust ghettos or camps?

Camps, by far. Ghettos held only a couple of million people, where as there were tens of millions in the camps (not all at the same time).

Where did the prisoners sleep during the Holocaust?

During the Holocaust Jews most were not held in prison cells, but sent to extermination camps, and either gassed as soon as practical after arrival or worked to death by being made to do heavy labour on grossly inadequate food.