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Q: Where a person can tolerate the exposure without any damage to hearing?
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Related questions

What factors cause damage to hearing?

Prolonged exposure to loud noises such as in a work environment and chronic ear infections will damage your hearing noticeably.

What Is caused by damage to the eardrum or by constant exposure to loud noise?

Hearing loss

What Caused by damage to the eardrum or by constant exposure to loud noise?

Hearing loss

A sound intensity above may cause permanent hearing damage?

A dangerous sound level is defined as above 85db to cause hearing damage. Long term exposure to 80 db can also damage hearing.

What One of the leading causes of permanent damage leading to hearing impairment is?

Exposure to loud noises

Is permanent damage to hearing caused by loud noises?

Exposure to loud noises can indeed cause permanent hearing damage. It doesn't always happen and it's not the only way to suffer hearing loss though.

What can damage your ears and hearing?

To answer this question, you have to first separate ears from hearing.The anatomical structure of the ear can be damaged by trauma, genetic disordersor malformations, or diseases.Typically, anything that damages the ear can damage hearing. However, other things that can damage hearing without necessarily damaging the anatomy of the ear are ototoxic agents (chemicals that can damage cells of the hearing organs), exposure to very loud noise or infections of the inner ear, or tumors or growths of impacting the central auditory nervous system.

Can timpanists get deaf or lose part of their hearing?

It is possible for a timpanists to lose their hearing over a period of time. Exposure to loud music over a long period of time can damage hearing and result in hearing loss.

How can you protect your sense of hearing?

You can protect your sense of hearing, simply by avoiding yourself listening to harsh, loud sound. A sound above 85 decibels can cause hearing loss. 8hours exposure to a 90- decibel sound can cause damage to your eardrums. Any exposure to 140-decibel sound causes immediate damage and can cause actual pain.

Does loud sound cause damage?

Yes it does, any sound over 85 Decibels is considered too loud and will hurt your hearing. Hearing anything this loud will start to damage your ear. Prolonged exposure to sounds this loud will cause irreversible damage to your ears.

What sounds are classed as too loud?

Any sound over 85 Decibels is considered too loud and will hurt your hearing. Hearing anything this loud will start to damage your ear. prolonged exposure to sounds this loud will cause irreversible damage to your ears.

How can you tell if a sound is too loud?

Any sound over 85 Decibels is considered too loud and will hurt your hearing. Hearing anything this loud will start to damage your ear. Prolonged exposure to sounds this loud will cause irreversible damage to your ears.