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Toward the top and left of the table.

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Q: Where abouts would a lower atomic number be placed on the periodic table?
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Was is the atomic number of iridium on the periodic table?

The atomic number of iridium is 77. Its symbol is Ir. It is placed in group-9 and period -6 in the periodic table.

Where are the antinides on the periodic table?

Actinides comprise of atomic number 90-103. They are placed at bottom of periodic table.

What periodic table number is 87?

Fr is the element having atomic number 87. It is placed in group-1 and period-7 of Periodic Table.

What are the lanthanides placed on the perioic table?

Lanthanoids are placed down in the periodic table.They contain elements with atomic number 57 to 71.There are total 15 elements in lanthanoids group.

Where is oxygen placed in the periodic table?

Oxygen is at the top of Group 16. It has an atomic number of 8.

How is each elements placed on the periodic table?

Each element is placed according to the increasing order of their atomic number and repeating properties.

Where do lanthanids and actinides fit into the periodic table?

Lanthanides (elements with atomic number 57-71) and actinides (elements with atomic number 89 to 103) are placed at the bottom of the periodic table.

The periodic table is based on an element's what?

The periodic table is based on an element's number of atoms. The elements are arranged from least to most number of atoms.

What can you determine about an atom based on its Atomic Radius?

the further right you go on the periodic table, the atomic radius decreases. the further down you go on the periodic table, the atomic radius increases. you can determine where an atom is generally placed on the periodic table based on its atomic radius.

Why is hydrogen placed on the top of the periodic table of elements?

It is placed at the top because it has one proton in its nucleus. Hence giving it an atomic number of one

What makes the periodic table periodic?

The elements are placed in "periods" (rows) that indicate increasing atomic number, and in groups (columns) that indicate similar chemical properties.

Where does technetium come in the periodic table?

Technetium is placed in the group 7 (manganese group) and period 5 of the periodic table of Mendeleev. The atomic number is 43.