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Q: Where are FSH and LH released from?
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What hormones does pituitary produce?

FSH and LH.

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How do fsh n lh help in pcos?

In PCOS patient there is Elevated level of LH where dr cannot use HMG, coz HMG has FSH and LH in 1:1 ratio. AS LH levels r high in PCOS patient no need to give LH. so in those patient Dr's can use on FSH for follicular growth.

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What are gonadotropins?

FSH and LH are gonadotrophins.They are secreted by pitutory.

What gland targets the fsh ans lh?


GnRH directly stimulates the release of?

FSH and LH

What do the GnRH directly stimulate the release of?

FSH and LH

What does FSH and LH directly promote development of what during uterine cycle?

FSH- follicleLH- corpus luteum

How can FSH be the cause of not producing eggs?

FSH, secreted by the Pituitary gland,stimulates the secretion of Oestrogen from the ovaries, Oestrogen in turn stimulates the secretion of LH by the pituitary and inhibits the secretion of FSH, LH then stimulates ovulation (the release of an egg). Without FSH this chain reaction does not happen.