

Where are Harp seal pups born?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Pup harp seals are born in the spring, on ice packs.

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Q: Where are Harp seal pups born?
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How long do harp seal pups sleep?

2 hours

How does harp seal pups eat?

Seal Pups are very funny, they eat like they are funny. They like to eat fish and cheesecake! and they like soup!

What shape is a harp seal pups?

They are curvy on top...and flipper like on bottom.

What is a young harp seal called?

A young Seal is referred as a "pup", and an adult male is a "Bull."

Are harp seal mammals Pls answer me?

Yes, they are mammals. They have a backbone, breathe air, nurse the young, and the pups are born alive. They also have hair and can drown if not allowed to get air.

When do harp seal pups change their fur color?

they have a yellow coat when they are born for the first 3 days then the change to white. when they get older that white fur becomes a gray and brown spotted leather coat for a long nice swim.

What is a harp seal niche?

The harp seal's niche is that it is a predator and a prey. If it was not a prey the species would overpopulate and then where it lives there would be not enough room for every harp seal. The species would then start to die off because there wouldn't be enough food for all of them, and there wouldn't be enough room for the pups to be born. It is a good thing that it's a predator because if it wasn't the fish, crab, eels, krill and all the other things it eats would as well overpopulate and start to do the same as what the seal would do.

What is a harp seal covered in?

A harp seal is covered in fur.

What do you need to make a harp seal?

A mommy harp seal and a daddy harp seal. Want details? Ask your parents.

Are seals born alive or hatched from an egg?

Being mammals Harp seals give birth to live pups.

How many babies can a harp seal have?

they have one baby at a time. The baby seals are also called pups.

Where are seal pups born?

They are born where ever they want to be born so shut up