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LDRs (light-dependent resistors, also known as photocells a, can be used for most light-sentsitive applications like "is it light or dark out?", "is there something in front of the sensor that would block light?", "is there something interrupting a laser beam?" (break-beam sensors), or "which of multiple sensors has the most light hitting it?"

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it can be used in small things like watches .

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Q: Where are LDRs used?
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How are ldrs used in everyday life?

Ldrs are used in everyday life as solar panels.

CAN LDRs be connected in parallel?

yes the ldr can be connected in a paralell circuit as i have done a experiment about te ldrs

What are advantages of photodiode?

LDRs are switches (when the light hits them they allow electricity to flow if there is a full circuit). So LDRs are different to photodiodes in that way!

Why is it a good idea to test LDRs?

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What type of circuit normally contains LDR?

LDRs are normally found in Light/Dark sensing circuits

What type of circuit normally contains a LDR?

LDRs are normally found in Light/Dark sensing circuits

Can long distance relationships ships work?

Relationship ShipsLong Distance Relationship Ships, Most often referred to as LDRS- are special ocean vessels designed to carry messages from loved ones separated by vast geographic distances. You can send letters, gifts and even kisses- although the later is a bit controversial.The LDRS ships work fine as long as they are refueled every thousand miles.If you are referring to the question:Can a long distance relationship work? Click on the related question below for the answer.

How does LDR work for street lights?

LDRs work when the light intensity increases, the resistance decreases. If this happens, I think the amount of current is too little so triggers something which turns the street lamps on. I'm not quite sure if this is what happens.

Is thalidomide used to treat cancer?

it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancer

What is a LDR used for?

An LDR (light-dependent resistor) is a particular type of semiconductor (A material with a conduction rating in between that of a conductor and an insulator i.e. electricity flows through a semiconductor slower than through a conductor, but quicker than through an insulator). Consider an atom as made up of just a nucleus with bound electrons. These electrons require varying amounts of energy to 'escape' from the atom. The semiconductor, as all known matter, is made up of atoms. Light can currently be explained as being made up of packets of waves called photons where the frequency of these waves determines how much energy they are associated with (Energy = h * frequency: where h is a constant). Therefore, if light associated with enough energy strikes the semiconductor, then the electrons requiring the equivalent energy to break the bonds will escape. Electricity is concerned with a flow of electrons, therefore electrons escaping means there is an increase in electrical current. This increased electrical current is equivalent to a drop in resistance and thus fluctuation in particular frequencies of light affects the resistance of the semiconductor.

How many Delegates in the Electoral College in Florida?

Allocation Factor Total Base Dels Dist. Level At- Large PL/ EOs Total Pldgd Dels DNC Mbrs U.S. Cong. Dem. Govs. Dist. Party Ldrs Add-on Upldg . Total Upldg Dels Total Del. Votes Total # of Dels Total # of Alts Total Delg. Size 0.05137 154 115 39 23 177 12 9 0 0 3 24 201 201 27 228

When do you use are or is?

He is. She is. It is. They are. We are. You are. (I am).