

Where are Protons Neutrons and Electron found?

Updated: 7/22/2022
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9y ago

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The protons and neutrons are located in the atomic nucleus; the electrons are around the nucleus, arranged in shells,

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Edwin Mitchell

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Q: Where are Protons Neutrons and Electron found?
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Where are protons and neutrons found in an electron?

Protons and neutrons are not in electrons. protons and neutrons are the center or core of an atom. the electron(s) is/are found in a "cloud" along the outside edge of the atom. Hydrogen for example has 1 proton at its center and 1 electron floating around it keeping it neutral.

Where is the electron proton and neutron?

electrons are found in the electron clouds while protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus

What two particles are found in the nucleus?

The neutral particles found in the nucleus on an atom are called neutrons. Positive particles found in the nucleus are protons.

Where is an electrons?

The electron orbits around the nucleus of a molecule, where the neutrons and protons are.

Where is each subatomic particle located in a atom?

electron - electron cloud protons and neutron- nucleus

What are the three particles found in atoms?

The three particles found in atoms are protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus of an atom, while electrons orbit around the nucleus in shells.

Which of these is the part of an atom that contains the protons and neutrons?

The Nucleus. Which is inside the electron clouds.

Where are proton neutron and electron fond?

Protons, neutrons and electrons are found in the atom. The protons and neutrons form the nucleus. Electrons orbit the nucleus. Protons are positively charged, neutrons have no charge and electrons are negatively charged.

Is an electron located inside the nucelus of an atom?

No. Electrons are located outside the nucleus. Protons and neutrons are located inside the nucleus.

How many proton neutrons and electron does calcium have?

Calcium has 20 protons, 20 electrons and 20 neutrons in its most commonly found isotope.

Where are the protons and neutrons is an atom found?

Atoms are composed of three types of particles: protons, neutrons, and electron. Both the protons and neutrons reside in the nucleus. Protons have a positive (+) charge, neutrons have no charge they are neutral. Electrons reside in orbitals around the nucleus. They have a negative charge (-).

Where are the protons and neutrons found in an atom?

Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom. Protons have a positive charge while neutrons are neutral. The nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons.