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Q: Where are camouflage cells located in the cuttlefish how do they work?
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How does camouflage work for your penguin?

With camouflage it will not get eaten by the sinister narwal

Can you eat cuttlefish?

Cuttlefish are voracious predators that are thought to be able to work in groups to hunt. They feed on fish, mollusks and arthropods. Phytoplankton is not all that hard to hunt. You just need something to filter it out.

The palisade cells are specialized for the work of photosynthesis these cells are located near the top surface of the leaf for maximum absorption of what?


Why don't Israeli soldiers wear camouflage?

Camouflage with differing shades of green does not work well when you are operating in a desert.

The palisade cells are specialized for the work of photosynthesis These cells are located near the top surface of the leaf for maxium absorption of what?

sun light

How does the king penguins camouflage work?

It walks by moving its but back and forth

How does camouflage work for your penguin on Club Penguin?

There is no actual camouflage for your penguin. But you can put lots of clothing of the same colour on your penguin then go to a place that is that colour and you will be camouflaged

How cells work?

cells work together to make the body functional

How does digital camouflage work?

Digital camouflage is a photographic technique for making subject images less distinct, even making them almost disappear. Digital camouflage takes elements of the subject and gives those characteristics to the background, making the subject less different from the rest of the picture.

How do you describe how cells work together?

cells work together by farts just kidding

What cells do the cheek cells work with?

cell membranes

How are cells like systems?

cells work with other cells to form tissues