

Where are egg cells found in a human body?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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In the ovaries and sperm is found in the males testicles : p

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Q: Where are egg cells found in a human body?
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Are most of the cells in the human body called haploid or diploid?

All cells in the human body that are not gametes (sperm or egg cells) are diploid. Gametes are haploid.

When are human cells diploid?

All human somatic (body) cells are diploid. Only the gametes, sperm and egg cells, are haploid.

Is the amount of DNA in a human body cell the same as the amount of DNA in a human egg cell?

No. The amount of DNA in human sperm cells is half of the amount found in body cells.

How many chromosomes in normal human eggs and sperm is the same as in the body cells?

There are 23 chromosomes in human egg/sperm. In other human body cells there are 46 chromosomes.

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Human does not have chloroplast. Chloroplasts are only found in plant cells.

Has how many chromosomes withn the egg cells?

All human gametes (sex cells), which means egg cells and sperm cells, have 23 chromosomes. When the sperm fertilises the egg, the 23 chromosomes from the egg cell and the 23 chromosomes from the sperm cell join to make cells with 46 chromosomes. In summary, all cells in the human body have 46 chromosomes, except sperm cells and egg cells, which have 23.

What are the cells found in the human body?

In the human body we have lots of cells. Red blood cell's-this has a dip on it to carry oxygen around the body. The cell is blood White blood cell's-helps us when were sick. It fights the germs. Nerve cell's-is long and thin and it looks like an electric shock. It carries out reactions Sperm cell's-are found in male and helps make reproduction egg cell-found in a female and helps to make reproduction

Why is it important to have half as many chromosomes as normal body cells?

The gametes must have half as many chromosomes as normal body cells because they unite to form a zygote, which is the first body cell of the new organism. For example, human body cells have 46 chromosomes and human gametes (sperm and egg cells) have 23 chromosomes. When the sperm fertilizes the egg, the zygote will have 46 chromosomes, and is the first body cell of the new human.

What is one of the human differences between human egg and sperm?

The eggs are the biggest cells in the body, while the sperm is the smallest.

What cells in the body are not diploid cells?

In humans, all the somatic cells (body cells) are diploid. However, gametes (sex cells) such as sperm and egg cells are haploid. Gametes have half the amount of genetic material than which is found in somatic cells. These are the only human cells which are not diploid.

What are facts about human cells?

human cells are eukaryotic. Human cells are constantly regenerating.Cell Count in a human body is anywhere between 50-100 trillion. Anti oxidants help to keep human cells healthy. Cells in the brain and nervous system do not Reproduce. Not all brain cells are neurons.

What are chroromsomes?

Chromosomes are Long pieces of DNA found in the nucleus of cells. DNA is The material that holds genes. It is considered the building block of the human body. Chromosomes always appear in pairs in cells apart from the sperm and egg.