

Where are lanthanides on the periodic table?

Updated: 4/27/2022
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8y ago

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Top row, of the bottom two rows on the Periodic Table. (Period 6, starting at group 4)

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Laurie Hammes

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2y ago
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13y ago

Top row, of the bottom two rows on the Periodic Table. (Period 6, starting at group 4)

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Q: Where are lanthanides on the periodic table?
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Where are the lanthanides placed in the periodic table?

Lanthanides are placed in a special row under the classical periodic table; but this arrangement is only a convention.

Were are the lanthanides placed on the periodic table?

The lanthanides are a series of elements that are placed at the bottom of the periodic table. They are located in the f-block, specifically in the period below the main body of the periodic table. The lanthanides have atomic numbers 57-71.

What group is Erbium in on the periodic table?

It is in the lanthanides family.

Where are lanthanides placed on periodic table?

57 to 88

Where are the lanthanides and actinides placed on the periodic table?

At the bottom of the Periodic Table

What are at the bottom of the periodic table?

The Lanthanides and the Actinides have been moved in the periodic table simply to save space. --PainRain

What contains periodic table elemnets 57-70?


Where are lanthanides located on the periodic table?

In most wide form periodic tables, the lanthanides are in a row below the normal part of the table, with a reference showing that all the lanthanides correspond to period 6 column 3. Sometimes the lanthanide element with the lowest atomic number, lanthanum itself, is shown in the main table and the other lanthanides in a row below the main table.

Why are the lanthanides not in the sixth and seventh period in the periodic table?

You can find periodic tables where the lanthanides and actinides are drawn in the sixth and seventh period. This is actually where they belong on the periodic table. But drawing them there makes the table unmanageably wide. Placing them at the bottom and drawing arrows where they go keeps the table at a usable width. In the related links below, there is a link to an online periodic table that lets you see the lanthanides and actinides in their proper place. There is an option on that site to see the table 'wide.'

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What two elements are shown at the bottom of the periodic table?

Lanthanides and Actinides.

What elements on the periodic table is a radioactive element?

Lanthanides and Actinides probably