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Above the bank in Camelot.

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Q: Where are maple trees on RuneScape?
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In RuneScape where are maple trees?

maple trees in member spot: in camelot but in free there are maple logs only

Is maple trees in RuneScape members object?

No they aren't

Where are the maple rees RuneScape?

I am guessing you are asking where are the maple trees located in runescape? Most of them are near camelot/seer's village.

Where could you find maple trees on runescape?

in seers' village (west of camelot castle) there are maple trees behind the bank

Are maple trees non-members on RuneScape?

you can burn maple logs on runescape, but you can not cut them. EDIT: actually you can, you need 30 dungeoneering, but there u can cut/burn them.

Where can you cut maple logs for non members?

One of the mysteries of Runescape is that Maple Logs can be burned by all players, but can only be cut by members. There are no Maple trees in the free world, sorry.

Can free players cut maple trees in Runescape?

No, it's only for members. Maple trees are non members but they are super hard to find in the non member world, there is like 2. but i dont know where they are at.

How do you rise your level in woodcutting in RuneScape?

Cut trees. lvl1-15(trees) lvl 16-90(oak, willow, pine, maple, yew)

Were do you find maple trees in free spots on runescape?

woodcutting island on daemonheim (you will need 30 dungeoneering to get there) it is the only place that free players can cut the trees.

Runescape how many maple trees do you have to cut to get your woocutting level from 70 to 75?

I suggest you use a RuneScape skill calculator to figure out this kind of things. There is a good one at

Where are there maple trees on runescape non members?

On the Daemonheim Peninsula. However, in order to access these trees (which are grouped together near some Willow trees) you will require level 30 Dungeoneering in order to access the peninsula. This is the only location where free players can gather maple logs.

Are there maples in free play RuneScape?

Yes there are maple trees now in Daemonheim but you need 30 dungeoneer to get in there or be a member to cut it or buy it