

Where are most black stallions found?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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First of all BLACK is a color and is a recessive color meaning either both parents are black or both carry rhe recessive black gene. Stallion is a SEX- it means uncastrated male, able to breed a mare and impregnate her. As an Arabian breeder and judge I was getting a lot of questions about black stallion as most people think a black horse IS a stallion! There are as many black mares and gelding in and breed . Black as a color is not biologically an advantage for horses in the wild, in colder climates in the winter they show up against the snow pretty well, and in hot climates really dark horses like a black absorb more of the suns light and are hotter. So course some color breeds like the palomino and buckskin do not allow blacks to be registered. In the Arabian breed anout 1-2% are born as true blacks (not a black bay) In the movie and books "The Black Stallion by Waler Farley the "Black" is a desert born Arabian and a member of the oldest recorded breed in the world. Bedouins prize horses highly and know their family tree better than their own.

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Wild black stallions live mostly on public lands and special wildlife refuges in many parts in of the United States.

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Absolutely not. Stallions are simply unfixed male horses, and can therefore be any color that mares can be. A horse's gender has no effect whatsoever on their color.

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No. Black is not a specific breed of horse but simply a color. There are a variety of horse breeds that come in the color of black.

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Stallions is the plural.Stallion is the singular.

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The word stallion's is the possessive form of the singular noun stallion.The plural noun is stallions.The plural possessive form is stallions'.Example:My stallion's coat is a shiny black. (singular possessive)The stallions' owner has selected them for breeding. (plural possessive)

Where can stallions be found?

Stallions can be found in lots of places. A stallion is just a male horse that has not been gelded. A Gelding is a male horse that can't mate with a female and make the mare have babies. Geldings are also usually better tempered than a Stallion.

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It would probably be the Lippizan Stallions.

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