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Lightening strikes most in places where there is a lot of metal. It does not hit places where rubber is. It can hit anything that leads to the ground.

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1. Standing in an open field is the most common location where people are struck by lightning. What is the seco


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26J Salazar

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4y ago
  1. When Your in the pool
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Q: Where are most people struck by lightning?
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Where on your body do you usually get struck by lightning?

the part on your body you would most likely get struck by lightning would be penis if you are aroused :)

What percentage of people struck by lightning is male?


Are you most likely to get eaten by a shark or most likely to get struck by lightning?

Does eaten mean eaten completely or jsut attacked? If completely, you are more like to be struck by lightning

Can colored lightning harm people?

Anyone struck by lightning of any color can suffer harm.

How many people are struck by lightning when it isn't raining?

No one

What areas are most effected by lightning?

forests since trees fall down if they're struck by lightning

Has lightning hit a human?

Yes. Many people have been struck by lightning. A good number of those people have died as a result.

Is it true that every one who is struck by lightning dies?

No, not everyone who is struck by lightning dies. While lightning strikes can be fatal, many people survive with a range of injuries, from temporary loss of consciousness to permanent disabilities. Immediate medical attention is crucial for increasing the chances of survival and reducing potential long-term effects.

Where did benjamin franklin get his idea for the lightning rod?

His kite-in-a-lightning-storm experiment, and most likely after witnessing what happens to buildings that are struck by lightning.

Do people who have been struck by lightning carry an electrical charge and can they be touched?

People who have been struck by Lightning does not carry a residual charge. Lightning goes straight through the body and into the ground. There would be no electrical charge left and they would be safe to touch.

What parts of the body are most vnlnerable to lightning damage?

I'm pretty sure all of them are at risk if you get struck by lightning ..

Do more people live than die after getting struck by lightning?

Yes, more people survive being struck by lightning than die from it. Typically, around 90% of people survive being struck by lightning, but may suffer long-term health effects.