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it may be the female part......

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1d ago

Nectar can be found at the base of the petals or in nectaries located at various parts of the flower, including the base of the pistil (female part) or the base of the stamen (male part). It is produced by glands either within the floral parts or nearby.

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Q: Where are nectar found on which flower sex part stigma or anther?
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The sperm cells of a flowering plant are contained where?

In plants they are called gametes not sperm cells. The male gametes are found in pollen grains and the female gametes in the ovules (eggs). In angiosperms they are found in the parts of the flowers. Pollen is found in the anthers (male part of the flower) which are in the centre (attached to the fillament-like stamens) of the flower, the anthers and stamens surround the stigma and style (female parts of the flower). In gymnosperms they are found in the male and female cones attached to the plant.

What does stamen look like?

Stamen typically consist of a stalk and an anther, this is according to Wikipedia. Stamen is the pollen producing reproductive organ of any particular flower.

Pollination is a reproductive advance found in angiosperm plants and is aided by large colorful flowers?

Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the male reproductive organ (anther) to the female reproductive organ (stigma) in plants, leading to fertilization. This process is crucial for the reproduction and genetic diversity of angiosperms, which are flowering plants. Flowers have evolved various adaptations such as color, scent, and nectar to attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds to facilitate pollination.

Which part of a plant produces nectar?

Nectar is produced by specialized structures called nectaries, which are typically found in flowers. Nectaries can be located in various parts of the flower, such as the base of the petals, the floral tube, or the ovary.

What is the pollinating agent of a rose?

Bees and Butterflies are the most commonly found types of pollination towards a rose. However numerous insect types pollinate the rose and many other flower types. I have observed assorted flies, beetles, Hemiptera (or true bugs), wasps, moths, and other insects carrying out the process of pollination. Although these species are usually attracted to the flower in some way, other incidental animals can also, perhaps more inadvertently, also get the pollen from anther to stigma, such as spiders, centipedes, birds, and people.

Related questions

Where are the nectarines of a flower usually found?

Don't you mean NECTAR? Nectarine is a type of orange!!! by the way, the NECTAR of a flower is found of the Stigma.

How do bees pollinate flowers?

Bees are attracted to flowers by their bright colours and their desire to collect nectar. Nectar tends to be found close to the base of the petals and as the bee attempts to reach it the bee brushes against the male stamens of the flower, which deposit pollen on to its fur. When the bee flies to another flower the same process occurs and some of the pollen which was already present on its fur may brush against the female parts of this flower and then serve to fertilise it.

Where are pollen grains located in flower?

Pollen grains are located in the anther of flowers.

What structures are found in the anthers?

Anthers contain structures called pollen sacs, which are the sites where pollen grains are produced. Within the pollen sacs, specialized cells called microsporocytes undergo meiosis to produce microspores, which then develop into pollen grains.

Where are the nectaries of a flower usually found?

Nectar is found at the center of the flower in glands called nectary; pollinators are forced to go between the stamens and end up covered in pollen in order to collect the nectar.

What is stame?

"Stamen" is the male reproductive organ found in a flower, typically composed of an anther and a filament. The anther produces pollen, which contains the male gametes needed for fertilization.

Basic male and female structures found in a flowering plant and where they were located?

Female: stigma, style and ovary (together called the pistil). Male: anther and filament (together called the stamen). The location is hard to explain in words, just google "flower parts" to see a diagram.

What do the filament and style have in common?

The filament and style are found in flowers, they both have a long stalk-like structure that have either the anther or stigma on top of them to help with reproduction.

What is flower nectar?

Sugar-rich liquid produced in glands called nectares is what flower nectar is. It may be found within the flower in order to attract pollinators. But nectar also may be produced in glands outside the flower in order to attract non-pollinators into defensive arrangements whereby the entire plant is protected against unwanted predation.

What is style on a plant?

The style is a long, slender stalk found within the flower. It links the stigma and the ovary. The stigma is located at the top of the style and it is a sticky platform in which the pollen grains are deposited.

What is produced by anther?

An anther produces pollen, which contains the male gametes (sperm cells) for plant reproduction. Pollen is typically found on the stamen of a flower and is essential for the process of pollination.

The sperm cells of a flowering plant are contained where?

In plants they are called gametes not sperm cells. The male gametes are found in pollen grains and the female gametes in the ovules (eggs). In angiosperms they are found in the parts of the flowers. Pollen is found in the anthers (male part of the flower) which are in the centre (attached to the fillament-like stamens) of the flower, the anthers and stamens surround the stigma and style (female parts of the flower). In gymnosperms they are found in the male and female cones attached to the plant.