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Your respiratory system is mainly your lungs which are located in your chest.

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The lungs are located in the thoracic (chest) cavity. They are located on either side of the heart which is in the middle.

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Q: Where are our lungs located in the human body?
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How many lungs are in the body?

A human body only has 2 lungs inside a part of your ribs called a ribcage. That's where your lungs are located in your body.

Pulmonary relates to which part of the human body?

Pulmonary relates to the lungs in the human body.

Does a human body have 5 lungs?

no it doesn't have 5? it has one pair of lungs, which is in two parts.

What body cavity are the lungs located in?

The lungs are located in the thoracic body cavity which is a division of the ventral cavity.Thoracic

Where are alveoli located in human body?

Alveoli are very tiny air sacs found in the lungs where CO2 and O2 are changed.

Where in body is the respiratory center located?

it's your lungs

How many lungs does a healthy human body have?

We have two lungs.

Where is bronchitis located in the body?

Bronchioles are located in the lungs. They branch off of the bronchi.

How many lungs of the human body have?


Is it in a human body?

There are many things in a human body for example : hearts , lungs , bones there all located on the upper half of your body . Bones can be located everywhere like your arms and legs. actually the human body is made of more then that its actually mad of tissue skin and flsh too the human body is also what makes up part of the earth jst think of how different things would be so the human body is an important resource

Lungs are apart from the what?

Lungs are part of the circulatory system within the human body.

What are the effects on the human body submerged at depth?

The human body's lungs expand as the body gets deeper in the water.