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Q: Where are poor areas of Madagascar?
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Is Madagascar rich or poor?

Madagascar is a very beautiful and lush country. Unfortunately it is a poor country. It is located in Africa.

Is Madagascar a poor country?


Is Madagascar wealthy?

Infact, Madagascar is very wealthy. This country gets it money mostly from tourisms.

Is tv popular in madagascar?

no. it is a very poor country.

Why is Madagascar a developed country?

because it is a poor country

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Why should someone visit Madagascar?

You should visit Madagascar for the experience of your life time!The beach there is LOVELY!!!!! And there is just so much to see! Not everything about Madagascar is poor! There are some rich villages in Madagascar and they are normally close to the white sandy BEACH!

Where is the poorest part of China?

There are many poor areas of China. Most of these poor areas are in rural areas. The cities tend to be wealthier.

What land areas are separated by the Mozambique channel?

Mozambique and the island nation of Madagascar

Is Madagascar a LEDC?

Fiji is an ledc because it is a poor island

Do people in Madagascar have computers?

I don't think a lot of people have computers because everyone is like poor.

What is a typical family like in Madagascar?

They do any thing to support each other and to survive.