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plasma membrane

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Anabelle Hand

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Q: Where are respiratory enzymes located in prokaryotic cells?
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Respiratory pathways in prokaryotic cells.?

respiratory pathways in prokaryotic cells.....

Are there prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells in enzymes?

No, quite the opposite. There are enzymes in cells (both prokaryotic and eukaryotic). Enzymes play a role in cells - not the other way around.

What part of the cell helps it breath?

Enzymes located around the mitochondria in the cells assist in the respiratory system of a cell and allow it to breathe.

Are prokaryotic cells located in plant cells?

No, prokaryotic cells are bacteria and plant cells are eukaryotic (plants, fungi and animals are all eukaryotic).

Are prokaryotic cells located in animal cells?

No, prokaryotic cells are bacteria and animal cells are eukaryotic (plants, fungi and animals are all eukaryotic).

Indicate where the genetic material is located in?

I said the genetic material are located in the prokaryotic cells

Is true of prokaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells do NOT have a nucleus.

What are prokaryotic cells reproduced by?

Other prokaryotic cells

What is the difference between a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic Cell?

Prokaryotic Cells are only found in a singled celled organism, such as bacteria. Protists, fungi, plants and animals are made to be Eukaryotic. Eukaryotic Cells have a true nucleus bound by a membrane, while prokaryotic cells contain a nucleoid region. The nucleoid region in a prokaryotic cell generally has no boundaries so it is just generally where the DNA is located in the cell. Eukaryotic cells also have membrane bound organelles too; unlike the prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells are larger than prokaryotic cells.

What to prokaryotic cells contain?

Prokaryotic cells have ribosomes, plasmids, cytoplasm, plasma membrane, cell wall, and a nucleoid. They do not have a membrane-bound nucleus like Eukaryotes do.

What are the oldest cells on earth?

The first cells on earth were likely prokaryotic. This is because the prokaryotic cells are not complex like eukaryotic cells.

What is is the characteristic of prokaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells do not have a nuclear membrane.