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Some of the Social Security offices in New York are located in Brooklyn and Queens. The one that you would need would depend on where you live in New York to decide which one is the closest or falls into you jurisdiction.

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When do you get social security?

In normal scenarios if you are born in the US they would apply for you when you were born, if you are into US by for some work then you have to apply by yourself in the Social Security Office.

How do you get a ssi check?

You can apply in person, at your local Social Security office, or you can apply online. Here is a link from the Social Security Administrations website explaining to you how to apply:

Can you draw social security disability out of the US?

If you are a U.S. citizen, you may receive your Social Security payments outside the United States as long as you are eligible for them. However, there are some countries that the payments cannot be sent, so it would best to contact your Social Security Office to find out which are the ones.

Where can I found a social security?

Some businesses offer Social Security name changes or cards for a fee. Social Security provides those services and more for free. Do not pay for something we will give you free. Social Security is the best place to get information about Social Security.

Can anyone use your social security?

No one but you can use your social security legally. However, some thieves may try to steal your social security. If you find out that someone has stolen your social security, you should report them to the police.

Do you need a social security number to be a lifeguard?

You don't need a social security number to be anything. You need a social security number solely as an identifier for tax purposes. An employer will ask for a social security number because it must pay some taxes on your behalf as well as pay your portion of payroll taxes and withholding directly to the US Treasury. If your parents never got you a SSN you can simply apply for yourself at the nearest Social Security office. You will have to bring a birth certificate to prove that you are a US citizen.

Does georgia tax social security disability?

Some Social Security Disability beneficiaries have to pay federal income taxes on their Social Security Disability benefits, while others do not.

Frequently Asked Questions About Social Security?

Social Security is an insurance program that was put in place to provide benefits to the unemployed, the retired and the disabled. Even though Social Security is one of the most popular topics discussed in politics, there are still a lot of things that people do not know about it. Below are some of the frequently asked questions about Social Security:How Do I Replace My Social Security Card?You will need to go to a social security office in your area. Make sure that you bring your driver's license or state ID. You will need to submit an application for your social security card , and it will be mailed within 10 business days.Can I Change the Name on My Social Security Card?If you get married, divorced or a court-ordered name change, then you will be able to change the name on your Social Security card. The process of getting a name change is similar to the process of getting a replacement Social Security card. You will need to bring the necessary documentation, fill out an application and you will get a new card in the mail within 10 business days.How do I Apply for Disability Benefits?The simplest way to apply for disability benefits is to apply online. You can also apply at Social Security office, but you will probably be waiting in a long line. If you choose to fill out the application online, then you will need to contact the Social Security office after you complete the application.How do I Report A Change in Address?If you are moving soon, then you will have to report a change in address in order to continue receiving your benefits. There are two ways that you can report an address change. You can call the national Social Security line, which is available Monday through Friday from the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. You can also contact your Social Security Office. It is wise to get your address changed before you move so that you can get your next month's check on time.

Do you need a social security number to take a GED test?

No. It says right on a social security card, for social security purposes only. Not for identification. If some one ask for your social security for something else, tell to give your a letter from the Social Security Administration telling you that they require the number for that purpose.

How can your son be recognized by the social security office as the biological son for his fathers benefits?

You must provide positive proof of the fact that the child is in fact a biological descendant. Unfortunately some different Social Security Branch Offices require different papers and forms so please contact your local SSA Branch Office and speak to a SR (Service Representative).

Where can I find information about Social Security Index?

If you visit this website, not only can you search the Social Security Index, but you can also read some important information pertaining to the Social Security Index at the bottom where it says "About Social Security Index":

How many office locations do Syntel have worldwide?

Syntel has twenty-seven office locations worldwide. Some offices can be found in North America, India, France, Germany, and Singapore along with many other locations.