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Q: Where are the largest skeletal muscles located and what is their job?
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Where is the largest skeletal muscles located and what is their job?

In your thigh

What do tendons do?

Tendons connect muscles to bone so they can move the body.

What effect does creatine phosphokinase have on muscle activity?

Creatine phosphokinase is found in the muscles of the skeletal system as well as the heart and brain. It can effect muscle activity by impairing the muscles from doing the job they are supposed to and adversely affecting the human body.

What are the jobs of bones and muscles?

Bones have 5 jobs. They support the body and give it shape. They protect organs inside the body. They work with muscles to help the body move. Some bones help make blood cells and the store some minerals that the body needs.

What make up the muscular systems?

The human body contains more than 650 individual muscles which are attached to the skeleton, which provides the pulling power for us to move around. The main job of the muscular system is to provide movement for the body. The muscular system consist of three different types of muscle tissues : skeletal, cardiac, smooth. Each of these different tissues has the ability to contract, which then allows body movements and functions. There are two types of muscles in the system and they are the involuntary muscles, and the voluntary muscles. The muscle in which we are allow to control by ourselves are called the voluntary muscles and the ones we can? control are the involuntary muscles. The heart, or the cardiac muscle, is an example of involuntary muscle.CARDIAC MUSCLE:The cardiac muscles is the muscle of the heart itself. The cardiac muscle is the tissue that makes up the wall of the heart called the mydocardium. Also like the skeletal muscles, the cardiac muscle is striated and contracts through the sliding filament method. However it is different from other types of muscles because it forms branching fibers. Unlike the skeletal muscles, the cardiac muscle is attached together instead of been attach to a bone.SKELETAL MUSCLE:The skeletal muscle makes up about 40 % of an adults body weight. It has stripe-like markings, or striations. The skeletal muscles is composed of long muscle fibers. Each of these muscles fiber is a cell which contains several nuclei. The nervous system controls the contraction of the muscle. Many of the skeletal muscle contractions are automatic. However we still can control the action of the skeletal muscle. And it is because of this reason that the skeletal muscle is also called voluntary muscle.SMOOTH MUSCLE:Much of our internal organs is made up of smooth muscles. They are found in the urinary bladder, gallbladder, arteries, and veins. Also the digestive tract is made up of smooth muscle as well. The smooth muscles are controlled by the nervous system and hormones. We cannot consciously control the smooth muscle that is why they are often called involuntary muscles.

What are the five jobs of the skeletal system?

Protection of internal organs; for example, the skull protects the brain.Support of the body to give an upright posture and maintain shape.Endocrine regulation (bone cells release the hormone osteocalcin).Allows movement. Joints between bones permit movement which is powered by skeletal muscles. (Skeletal muscles are attached to bones).Production of blood cells in the bone marrow found in long bones.Storage of iron in ferritin and calcium in bone matrix.

Which type of muscle is mainly responsible for the movement of blood throughout the body?

cardiac muscle and smooth muscle of arteries and of course the skeletal muscles surrounding the veins (in lower limb for example).

What is the job that the organ does?

i think that one is skeletal system the job is work together to move your body

At 55 feet high the worlds largest chicken is located where?

In Phoenix Job Corps Center. His name is Chicken Head!

What is the job of the skeletal system for the body?

There are mainly three roles of the skeletal system: protection (the ribs protecting the heart and lungs as an example), as a lever for the muscles to move parts of the body (otherwise we would be a blob of jelly sitting in a dish) and lastly, they make blood (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets).

What are some of the purposes of the muscles?

The human body has three types of muscles. There are more than 600 major muscles and have 240 specific names of them. The first type is called skeletal muscles. They vary in size because each muscle has various type of job. Skeletal muscles, which have the hard job, are large and strong such as the muscles of the thigh. In the opposite way, skeletal muscles which have the little job, are small and weakly such as eye muscles. Skeletal muscles are the part of many organs such as the chest, arms, legs and abdomen so they give the shape of the body and make the body move. In addition, they also help hold the bones of the skeleton together. The second type of muscles is called smooth muscles. They are found in the walls of the internal organs such as blood vessels and stomach. Smooth muscles are not under control by the brain. They are stimulated and operate automatically by the autonomic nervous system and by body chemicals. The autonomic nervous system enables the body to maintain a stable internal environment. This system has two parts. The one is the sympathetic system which speed up all bodily processes. The other is the parasympathetic system which slow down bodily processes and make the body relax. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic are controlled by hypothalamus. The third type of muscles is called cardiac muscle which is found in the wall of the heart only. Cardiac muscle help the heart push blood out and into the arteries. It is operate automatically without orders from the brain. Cardiac muscle is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The muscles have many ability which are different other tissue. They have irritability, contractility, extensibility and elasticity. These ability make every organ work completely. I think the muscles are excellent.

What helps muscles do their job?
