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Q: Where are the lava domes in AZ?
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What type of lava comes out of lava domes?


What is lava domes?

A lava domes is a structure that forms when a volcano extrudes very viscous lava that builds into a dome-shaped pile rather than flow downhill.

What kind of lava do lava dome volcanoes contain?

Lava domes usually consist of rhyolite or dacite lava.

Where are lava domes located?

Near subduction zones

What is the composition of a lava dome?

Lava domes are generally composed of felsic, highly viscous lava, usually dacite or rhyolite.

Is lava dome a type of volcano?

Not exactly. Some volcanoes do consist of simply a lava dome, but most lava domes are found in or on stratovolcanoes.

These are large lava flows that look like blisters?

pancake domes

What is the magma type for a lava dome?

Lava domes usually form with very viscous rhyolitic or dacitic magma.

What features may occur when volcano lava cools at the surface?

Lava domes, composite cones , volcanic islands.

What is the other 2 volcanoes other than the cone?

Lava Domes,CompositeShield

What type of volcano forms a lava dome?

Acid Lava Dome is a type of volcano that forms when viscous acid lava solidifies quickly to form a volcano with steep convex sides.

What is the process that form Soufriere Hills volcano on Montserrat?

from lava domes from previous eruptions