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The most chemically nonmetals are on group 7 of the peridic table e.g:F,CL,BR,I

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Q: Where are the most chemically reactive nonmetals on the periodic table?
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The most reactive nonmetals on the periodic table are?

The most reactive nonmetals are the halogens in group 17 of the periodic table.

Where on the periodic table is most reactive nonmetal?

The most reactive nonmetals are the halogens in group 17 of the periodic table.

In which family in the periodic table are the most reactive nonmetalsmily in the periodic table are the most reactive nonmetals?

halogenes/non metals

Where are the most reactive nonmetals located on the periodic table?

The most reactive nonmetals are located in top most right section of the Periodic Table, excluding group 18 (has no reactivity).

Where are the most reactive nonmetals?

The most reactive nonmetals are the Halogens. They are located in the second to last row on the Periodic Table from the right.

Which group on the periodic table contains the most reactive nonmetals?

The Halogen Family is the most reactive group of nonmetals.

What groups are the very reactive elements from?

there are alkali metals that are the most reactive metals on the periodic table and halogens which are the most reactive nonmetals

Which group on the Periodic Table of Elements has the most reactive nonmetals?

group 17 or halogens

Is it true the most chemically reactive metals are in group 1 of the periodic table?

yes the most chemically reactive elements are in group 1

Is magnesium chemically reactive element in the periodic table?

i have know idea but i think

Where are less reactive metals nonmetals and metalloids on the periodic table?

in groups 1 and 2 :D

Is unreactivity a property of metal?

No, because metals are on the left side of the Periodic Table. Therefore, they are reactive. Nonmetals, on the left side of the Periodic Table, are less reactive, because they have more valence electrons.