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Q: Where are the receptors that sense changes in blood glucose?
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What is the difference between feel and sense?

There are many sense organs in the body like touch receptors, pressure receptors, heart receptors, taste receptors, sound receptors, etc. All these receptors when stimulated result in changes in tone or isometric contraction of skeletal muscles around them or in the entire body.Sensation:Sensation is the observation of change in tone of skeletal muscles induced by a single sense organ.Thus, heat, sound, etc are sensations.Feeling:Feeling is the observation of changes in tone of skeletal muscles induced by many sense organs or continuous changes in a single sense organ.Thus, coffee induces a feeling and so does a song.

What are the special cells of tes sense organ that receive stimuli from the environmen?

The special cells of the sense organs that receive stimuli from the environment are called receptors. The receptors detect different changes in the surrounding envronment and stimulate the neurons to perform the proper tasks.

What is carotid baroreflexes?

There are receptors on the lining of the carotid artery that sense a change in blood pressure. When they are stimulated, they can cause a drop in blood pressure/heart rate.

What is the relationship between olfactory and gustatory receptors?

Gustatory receptors are part of the sense of taste. They are in your mouth. Olfactory receptors are part of the sense of smell. They are in your nose.

What are the gustatory receptors sensitive to?

Gustatory receptors are found on the tongue and pharynx and are taste receptors. They sense particles of foodstuffs dissolved in saliva and provide us with the sense of taste.

What is the glucose sensor in B-cells Why?

glucokinase. glucokinase has a high km(low affinity for glucose) so glucokinase only phosphorylates glucose when blood glucose is high, such as after a meal. As such, it makes sense that this would be sensor for B-cells

What are the new instrument used to measure blood glucose?

You can get your blood glucose level checked at your local doctor's office, pharmacist, or by purchasing a blood glucose machine. You can buy them online, at your doctor's office, or at your pharmacist.

What are proprio receptors?

sense of position (Golgi tendon organ, muscle spindles, and joint receptors)

What impulses are transmitted by the sense of smell?

The smell receptors are called olfactory nerves

The sense of hearing is provided by receptors of the?

Inner ear

What receptors provide the sense of hearing?

Hair cells

How do good carbs affect your blood glucose in terms of time and intensity?

They're good only in the sense that they take longer to digest.